Brothers Now

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-3rd Pov-

The small black haired boy ran really fast away from a curse and sat in a park after becoming out of breath.

He cried as he sat on the swing trying to figure out where to go now. Sighing the 11year old boy rubbed gently at his bruised arm and wiped away his tears trying to calm down.

"I-It'll be fine.. I-I'll be fine.." he stuttered.

While this was happening another male was running to the park excited to go on the swings while grinning massively. Yet stopped in his tracks staring at the black haired boy who was crying on the swings still and got instantly worried.

Without even thinking the boy sprinted over to the other and noticed all the bruises.

"Are you okay???" the taller boy asked the other.

Flinching the other nodded and wiped the rest of his tears away.

"Y-yeah.." he responded quietly.

-Yuki's Pov-

I didn't even know he was here until he spoke... Staring at the floor I listened as he spoke.

"Are you sure? You're covered in bruises!? Do your parents know you're out, do they know that someone hurt you!?" the boy quizzed me and hearing the word 'parents' made him flinch.

"I.. Uh.. I-I'm okay.. They d-dont hurt... And I don't w-want to go b-back to them.." I can feel the tears falling again and started to worry about having to go back. "don't m-make me go b-back t-there please!!" I started panicking.

All of a sudden I felt warmth and arms around me, causing me to flinch but soon relax and slightly hug back.

'why does he care? He's just met me'

'it's because he has a kind heart'

'.. Kura?.. You are real then... And how do you know?'

'Yes I am. You are my vessel. Also I know because I can sense it and you can too. Anyways go talk to him.'


"I won't make you go back there. I can't if they're the ones who hurt you. I can take you home with me" the boy spoke while holding him abit tighter.

"h-huh.. W-why-"

"Because you shouldn't be allowed to suffer. So come with me and I can keep you safe!" The boy cut in and pulled back while smiling softly.

I couldn't hold back the small smile that slipped onto my face at the other and nodded softly.

"O-okay.. Um.."

I don't even know his name and he doesn't know mine...

"Yuji Itadori is my name I'm 11" Yuuji smiled.

"I-I'm Y-Yuki... I'm 11 too" i responded now looking at him.

Next thing I know is he grabbed my hand and dragged me with then to his granddad's.

"Grandad! I brought someone over, can they stay for awhile!?" Yuuji said as soon as they busted through the door and I hid behind the other while scared.

"you can't just be bringing people back-" The old man stopped himself as he noticed me and I hid more. "- but I'll make an exception this time"

Yuji smiled more and turned around and hugged me.

"See! It's all going go be okay!"

I couldn't believe it all, I actually was excepted and had people who cared about me.

"T-thankyou" I muttered quietly while trying to hold back tears.

-3rd Pov-

"Yuji go get him some clothes to wear for the night" Itadori's grandad requested of his grandson.

Yuji grinned and ran off to his room to find some clothes for the shorter male as Yuki himself stood unsure of what to do. Wasuke sat at the table and gestured over the to boy to come sit. To which he did and kept his head down.

"What is your name? I'm Itadori Wasuke" the older male said while focusing on the boy.

"Y-yuki.." the smaller male answered.

"Yuki, why are you covered in bruises and where are your parents. They must be worried?" Wasuke continued.

At this Yuki had flinched and started panicking slightly, worried that the man would send him back to his parents even tho Yuji had told him he'd be safe.

At this time the young Itadori had ran back in with a jumper and shorts but stopped suddenly as he noticed the black haired boy was shaking. Quickly he dropped the clothes and ran to the boy, hugging him gently.

"He isn't going back to them!" Yuji declared.

"What happened Yuji?" Wasuke asked his grandson.

At that question Yuki hugged the other male back and buried his head against Yuji's chest trying to calm down. Yuji rubbed the boys back while looking towards his grandad.

"I-I think his parents were the ones who hurt him... He's not going back!" Yuji almost started shouting by the end of it.

Wasuke just silently nodded and told the boys to get ready for bed as it was late but quickly gave them snacks and some pop. Yuji picked up the smaller male while grabbing the clothes that he left on the floor, then made his was to his room where he'd let the boy change.

-Yuji's pov-

When I picked up Yuki I was a bit worried he weighs barely anything, once we got into my room I set him on the bed and put the snacks next to us.

"I can wait outside while you change" I said and was about to grab clothes to change into when a hand grabbed my shirt.

"D-dont leave me please..." at those words my heart ached.

Yuki sounded so pained and scared, all I wanted to do was keep him close. I nodded and we both got changed then sat on my bed hugging with the covers wrapped around us while snacking.

"hey.. Yuji..?" Yuki said while half asleep.

"yeah?" I responded playing with his hair.

"Thank you, you've helped me more than anyone else and even took me to your home.. Thank you for not making me go back to t-them" he replied while nuzzling his head against my shoulder smiling slightly.

"Don't thank me Yuki, we're brothers now!" I declared while grinning.

This caused my new brother to giggle and soon we both fell asleep.

'I'm so glad I went to the park today'

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