Curse Womb Must Die pt1

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Yuki's Pov-

We were all stood outside the area for a job of getting rid of a curse womb.

"Normally a sorcerer on par with the cursed spirit would handle this and that would've been Good" Megumi spoke as the other two looked not happy by the situation.

'Yuki please be careful, I don't have a good feeling and keep an eye on Yuji' Nayaki warned a feeling of unease wrapping itself around me.

'Okay Nayaki- fuck my life this isn't getting easier isn't it-' I sighed quietly.

I just casually left the others and snuck to sniff around the building to try to understand the situation more but it was like trying to pick one scent out of hundreds.

Sensing Yuji was uneasy too I quickly appeared back next to him.

"Fushiguro, Kugasaki, Yuki.. we'll save them" he looks so serious like when he first met me...


Megumi summoned one of his demon dogs immediately the Yuji started fussing him while I just smiled slightly.

We all entered the building and immediately I tensed then looked up, maze like, the others were trynna calm but it wasn't the case.


Again Megumi's demon dog was fussed, but I kept zoning out smelling the area.

'I don't like this..'

(Time skip as ngl I'm rusty af)

Once we were outside and Megumi did the signal for Yuji to let Sukuna take over, I was tense, dread filled me and the urge to go back was unreal.

I cannot have him die.. please. He's the closest person I have in this wretched world and what makes it worse is Nayaki isn't close to my conscience.

"Calm down." A hand on my shoulder ripped me away from the panic that was suffocating me.

I tilted my head to look up at Megumi and put my hand over his, a tiny smile on my face but still tense. The male beside me suddenly turned to the door causing me to do the same.

We both tensed up more as Sukuna was still in control and had appeared behind us, why hasn't Yuji taken over yet?

Sukuna had announced that Yuji wasn't going to be coming back. Leaving questions.

"S-Sukuna whe- what's happened to Y-Yuji?" I stuttered not wanting to believe the worst and felt a rush of energy within my mind.

'Kid. Let me take the reins.'

'No Yuji can still come back!'


I clenched my fists as Sukuna spoke, mind clouded yet an extremely faint presence just on the corner of the veil was noticeable to me. The man holding my brother hostage could sense it too.

"There's no need for you two to be scared. I'm in such a great mood right now so let's chat for a bit." He walked in front of us. "The kid had it coming for just using me without making any kind of deal and now it feels like he's having some trouble switching back." He moved his hands to the jacket of Yuji's uniform while speaking more. "Well then no matter what he did, this would've ended up the same." He then ripped the clothing off his upper body.

Me and Megumi just stared unsure of what to say or do.

'Kid! Now's the time to let me take over.'

'I-i can't..'

"So I've been thinking about the different ways I can do this." The look on his face.. he plunged his hand into the body, Megumi was mortified.

"No" I gasped out frozen.

Sukuna laughed as blood flowed from Yuji's mouth.

"W-what are you doing?" Megumi questioned, yet I knew the answer and couldn't do anything..

The king of Curses then ripped out the heart of the closest person to me and told us that he's taking Yuji hostage.

"Y-you fucking bastard." I growled not noticing that my eyes glowed a piercing orange and my usually small fangs became enlarged.

Megumi and Sukuna's conversation fell deaf on my ears, all I could think about was wanting to harm the curse but couldn't as it'd harm Yuji.


"You can be frightened because I'm about to kill you just for the hell of it and claim the boy before this body dies." 

'Nayaki... I can't control my own emotions right now'

'Let the Fushiguro boy handle this then.'

"Yuki stay back I'm fighting."  I couldn't argue, Nayaki has been fighting to take over and next thing I knew Sukuna had hit the back of my neck...

No sight, nothing, only darkness.

-3rd Pov-

Near to the end of Megumi and Sukuna's fight Yuki had came to. He immediately sprinted to where they were and grit his teeth at the sight he was greeted by.

Megumi had explained to Yuji even if Sukuna was in control still that he had no logical reason to save him when he did, he called Yuji a good person.

Yuki focused onto Sukuna's marks that were fading and gasped while staring at them from a distance as Megumi admitted that he never regretted saving Yuji.

His smile. Yuji's smile. It warmed Yuki yet dread then flooded the small male at the reminder that the pink haired male's heart was long gone.

"You're really a pretty smart guy Fushiguro, I know you put a lot of thought into this. I think your conviction is a good one but I don't think mine is exactly wrong either." Blood started to pour out of Yuji's wound "aghh sorry I guess I'm done for, at least I won't be here worrying about you anymore, or Kugisaki or Gojo, or Yuki.." his smile never faltered even as Yuji spoke his last words. "I hope you live a long life."

He fell to the floor in front of Megumi and Yuki sprinted to them as the rain got heavier. Megumi is facing the sky, not wanting to look at the cat like male now knelt on the floor a hand on Yuji's back. Everything was a blur to them after that Yuki just hid away in his own dorm as soon as they arrived at Jujutsu High.

"Yuji.... I'm sorry.."

Yuki's Curse (jjk X Male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now