Yuki's Birthday

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-Yuji's Pov-

It's been almost a year since Yuki moved in with us, we managed to get his parents arrested for what they did to him, He turns 12 today!

Currently I've been awake with grandpa for the past hour preparing while Yuki is still asleep. We've got a cake and I've been cooking with grandpa to make Yuki's favorite breakfast which is pancakes.

"Are you ready to wake him up?" I was asked once everything was cooked and Yuki's presents were placed by the table.

I nodded excitedly and ran to my room. But froze as soon as I got to the door.

-Yuki's Pov-

I woke up not long after Yuji left the room  and curled up, my head and lower back really hurts. It makes me want to cry but I can't as they'd worry.

'It's time Yuki'

'what!? Why does it hurt Nayaki? Make it stop'

By now I was whimpering quietly as the pain got more intense and made it feel like I was going to pass out. I felt the top of my head and yelped slightly as I felt fluffy ears on the top of my head.

'The pain will end soon. Just abit longer'

'It hurts so much why is this happening!!?'

Next thing I know the door got pushed open and I heard Yuji call my name softly. In response I hid fully under the covers and tried to muffle my whimpers.

'Normally cursed spirits show form once they take over but for me it's different. I've merged part of my past body with yours as I think it's time'

"Yuki? Are you okay?" Yuji questioned while sitting down on the bed next to me and gently pulled off the covers.

"I-I'm fine Nii-San" it hurt so much..

'Why now.. Why me.. I won't be able to go to school anymore...'

Yuji gasped softly and hugged me close while I was shaking, turns out the parts of Nayaki that merged with me were the cat ears and tail as well as orange tips on my fringe. He rubbed my back calming me while telling me it'll be okay and that the pain will ease soon.

'I will tell you another time. Happy 12th birthday Yuki'

"N-Nii-San it hurts less now.." I mumbled while slowly calming down as it the pain was easing up quite fast.

"That's good Yuki, I'm sorry I wasn't here while it started. Do you know why this happened?" he asked me while looking at me worriedly.

Just as I was about to answer Wasuke entered and stared shocked at the us.

"Yuji, Yuki, what happened?" he asked and walked closer.

I sighed and sat up fully while my new tail was curled around my leg and my new ears were lowered against my head.

"I-I.. I didn't want to tell you both about this all... I'm sorry... I didn't think it'd happen..." I said while facing my lap.

Before I could continue or be questioned Yuji hugged me tight while grandpa sat on the bed and sighed.

"I thought you were hiding something from us but I didn't think it'd be this serious" Grandpa said.

Yuji nodded but continued to hold me close and keep me calm.

"I-I'm sorry.. Its.. I don't.. I don't know how to explain all of this..." I couldn't even think of how to explain about the cursed spirit in me merged with me.

They wouldn't believe me either.. They'd think I was insane.. I can't fully tell them and I won't be able to  go to school anymore either.. Unless we sorted something out..

Yuki's Curse (jjk X Male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now