The 4th First Year

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Everyone was up and ready to leave minus Yuki who was no where to be found.

"where would Yuki be? We need to leave" Yuji asked while looking really worried.

"Probably talking to that annoying cat" Sukuna cut in causing Yuji to smack his hand over the mouth on his cheek.

Megumi just watched them sighing and sent a message to the missing boy.

Yuki's pov-

Glancing at my phone I saw the message from Megumi.

"whoopsie forgot we were getting the other 1st year today, sorry Nayaki we'll train later."

'that's all okay Yuki, but you really should start remembering things better... Like don't forgot to grab a small bottle of saki'

"Nayyyakki... Maybe"


'Idiot where are you?'

How rude, he called me an idiot. I quickly packed up my katanas and strapped them to my back ready to go, the breeze slowly flowing as I took a deep breath in before smelling a familiar scent.

"Hi Geto-San, I can't stay and you also shouldn't be here. I'll meet up someday soon" I heard a small chuckle in reply then lost his sent.

'on my way baka-gumi  🥰'

Not even waiting for the reply I sprinted back to the others where they were waiting by the gates for me.

'Be careful today as I'm planning to sleep. Don't stupidly fight curses please and thank you'

'Enjoy your sleep Nayaki! Annnnnd I'll attempt to be safe'

Before I could even talk Yuji hugged me and picked me up while going on about how I scared him by not telling him where I was going while Megumi just sighed.

"Nii-San I'm okay, sorry for worrying you" he smiled at me and gave me a pat on the head.

3rd pov-

The three of them were currently now waiting for their train, Satoru watching Yuki plan to annoy his student.

"Megummmmmi~" the small male sang while poking said man.

The taller of the duo just ignored him but Yuki wasn't giving up. He smiled a small devilish smirk and pounced onto Megumi.

"Gummmi~!!!!" he whined  "Notice mee!!"

Yuji couldn't help but laugh tho Sukuna was giving him hell right now.

'Brat you're seriously letting that cat toy jump on filth- disgusting.'

'Shut up don't talk about my brother or friend like that.'

Yuki was poking Megumi's cheek while the other spoke to him but had stopped abruptly and pouted while looking at Yuji.

"I'm not a cat toy Suku-Chan"

"Don't call me that!!!!" The King of Curses almost shreiked making them all laugh.

The train had arrived now before the Neko could make anymore comments.

*time skip cos hi*

Once they had arrived Yuji was questioning Megumi on why there were only four 1st year students, Gojo wasn't there yet as usual. As for Yuki, well the boy went on a mission for Saki.

By the time the small boy was back Gojo was there.

"Looking good in your new uniform Yuki" the white haired male said with a stupid grin on his face.

Yuki's Curse (jjk X Male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now