Keep Getting Stronger

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Nanami had gone with Gojo to check on Yuki. Megumi and Kugisaki both had no luck with getting him to answer them.

"Yuki, open the door or I will be breaking it open." Nanami spoke after Gojo had knocked already.

Silence was shortly followed by a quiet click of the lock on the door and steps led away from it. Nanami opened the door as Gojo walked past him into the room looking at the clean dorm, the same as always, and sat on the bed next to the male who just looked between the duo.

"I'm alive, I just needed time away to get my emotions in check or else Nayaki might not have been able to stop me." The male scratched his own ear and sighed.

"Is there someone new on the grounds?" Nanami looked intrigued at the question.

"Why do you ask?" Gojo hummed.

"The same presence I sensed when Yuji died is here too.." orange eyes darted to the window.

"OH!" Gojo clapped his hands grinning. "You mean the sorcerer who finally returned from his missions. He's a fun one but also is uptight on schedules like Nanami!"

This peaked Yuki's interest and Nanami sighed getting ready to leave.

"Yuki please go outside more. The sorcerer we are on about we cannot name as he's a stupidly private person but me and him have dinner reservations, I'll check in on you afterwards. Make sure he eats Gojo." With that the blonde sorcerer left.

Yuki faced Gojo with a serious expression.

"Tell me the truth." Gojo tried to play dumb to those words but Yuki's eyes were narrowed.

"Yuji is alive. Nayaki could sense Sukuna easily and I can smell Yuji faintly." The younger sighed and looked away "I get it was for his safety but did you all think you could hide it from me? You kept me away from the exchange event though I know I'll be dragged into it and you've tried to get me to accept missions away from here."

Gojo held his hands up in surrender.

"Okay okay yes I was certain you'd find out but the others hoped that you wouldn't. He's currently working on his cursed energy. I'll try to sneak you to see him soon." Once the younger was satisfied with the answers he got he nodded. "Right! Let's get food!" And with that the two disappeared off to get takeaway.


After a while Yuki took part in the training for the exchange event as a baseline cover. He figured that if everyone was planning to get stronger he might as well join, he wanted to be useful.

Yuki disappeared off to his usual location and started training with Nayaki after he was done with the others.

"I don't have cursed techniques but I have a literal curse living inside of me, Nayaki?"

'Yes kid?'

"Want to try some new skills?"

All Yuki needed was to feel the smirk of the Curse inside of him for them to get started.

Meanwhile Nanami continued with his reservations with the unknown sorcerer to keep discussing their business.

"On the bright side even from being away on missions I'm still good with time." A smooth voice spoke grinning at the blonde.

"Indeed yet it's obvious you're slacking on your training for your cursed techniques." A stern look made the other hold his hands up in surrender smiling.

"Apologies, I got preoccupied by my friend he decided to teach me a few secret things so I could hold my own better in a fight against curses."

Their chatter continued on for a while but before they separated the other turned around and asked the question they wanted the answer to the most.

"How is he doing?"

Nanami smiled slightly at the concern the other held and confirmed that he was doing well despite events that occurred.

The same thought crossed their minds no matter how it was worded it was the same.

'I need to get stronger'

A/N- Weirdly enough my JJK fixation came back from a dream that was completely weird and only involved JJK in a split second and that small part of my dream also got me back into cosplay. Yuji Itadori is who revived my cosplays with.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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