The Day Before It Began

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-Yuki's pov-

I walked out to see Yuji on the phone checking how the old man is and stood listening and heard what was said about me and Yuji not to come and to stick with our activities.

"yeah I heard." Yuji answered the nurse "Tell him we'll come see him tomorrow evening."

I told Yuji that I was going out even though it was late and quickly left after saying I'd be back as soon as I can. I walked through the school grounds and saw a familiar face walking towards a little place behind the school.

"Megumi ye baka I told you to wait for meeee" I whined while catching up to him.

He just looked at me with his usual scowl but smiled abit after and shook his head walking towards the small structure. He questioned as to why anyone would place a cursed object out here as he opened it and looked in to see it was empty.

I had to hold back giggles as I watched him frantically look for the thing we were sent to find and he instantly called Gojo. I can't believe it wasn't here but then again it makes sense.

'Yo Kura what is the thing we are looking for as I don't know much about it'

'Sukuna's finger, there are 20 of them and are extremely sought after by curses. If one was to ingest a finger of Sukuna's then it could go two ways... Wait three ways.'

'Okay so a guys fingers are sealed and spread around the world? Is it like you?'

'In a way yes apart from i have three hearts your father found one of them and decided to make you eat it. The three ways I was on about was 1.instant death 2.the cursed spirit takes over for good. And 3, which is a rare case, that is where the cursed spirit and vessel are one and both have control.'

'Ohhh that do be fucked by the way. I am very annoyed as I don't know what idiot took a cursed object'

"I'm seriously going to punch him next time" Megumi stated and I was broken from my conversation with Nayaki.

"Sooo I take it you're stuck out till you find Sukuna's finger?" I questioned then facepalmed.

"How do you know what the cursed object is Yuki?" he questioned back.

I laughed awkwardly and sighed. "Nayaki told me-"

He just sighed and shook his head then told me to go home. Megumi was a stubborn one and wanted to do this on his own to get Gojo off his back, I can understand why as the man can be too much at times.

"Okay, enjoy hunting for the cursed object Megumi. Don't miss me too much~" I laughed slightly and ran off to get home to Yuji.

-Megumi's pov-

That boy gets on my nerves alot yet something makes me want to keep him about. I know he's kept as a secret by Gojo and only a small amount of his students know who he is. I am one of them and I believe the annoying teacher will introduce him to Inumaki probably as Gojo is very sure they'd get on.

The idiot had ran off after what he said leaving me mildly confused. I don't understand him tho still. I met him a few weeks ago as the white haired male dragged him over at night saying this boy was a secret to all for now.

-Yuki's Pov-

By the time I got in it was quite late so I was quiet and noticed there was a note in the kitchen

'To Lil bro,
I don't know when         you'll be home but there is some dinner in the fridge for you, you can reheat it but can also eat it cold. I'll try my best to stay up to see you come back but if I'm asleep then you know to just come hug me when you're ready to sleep.

I hope your job went well!


Yuji has always been so precious I don't know how he stays that way but he does and I seriously appreciate it. He's the best brother ever. Funny thing is, is that I'm actually older than him by a month but he still calls me his little brother because I'm short compared to basically everyone I've met so far that's my age and up.

I quickly grabbed the dinner he made for me out of the fridge and wolfed it down with a smile. He's always been the better cook, I just set things alight. Once I finished I washed up my dish and headed to our bedroom and saw Yuji fast asleep, smiling a bit again I quickly got changed and climed into bed with him and hugged him.

"mm? Yuki you're back" my brother mumbled opening his eyes slightly and hugging me back.

"yeah Nii-San I'm back, don't worry it all went well there was no trouble but I need to go out again tomorrow" I answered quietly while nuzzling his chest.

"mm good.. Don't want you hurt.. Ever.."after that was said he had fallen straight back asleep causing me to giggle slightly and join him.

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