Yuki Found Serotonin

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---Filler Chapter---
------Yuki's Pov------

I was sat on my bed planning what i wanted to do today as it was a free day and Gojo wasn't gonna bother me or Sukuna.
Inumaki and Yuji were busy and Geto can't come here.

"Screw it" I mumbled and quickly searched through my closet for clothes.

Grabbing black ripped jeans, platform boots, red ripped tank top and arm warmers I smirked getting into it all not forgetting to put on my mask before I sneak out of the school into the forest.

There was an amazing cliff face area that Id sneak off to at night and I'd just love to sing while I'm there. Things will get messy in the future so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts. I put on my headphones staring off into the distance, the view had always been more beautiful early morning.

'What's are you planning to sing Yuki?'

'Ghost Rule-'

'The one that causes a fuzzy feeling like those people give you?'

'YEAH! That thing... Also why do I feel that way around Gojo, Geto, Sukuna and Inumaki???????'

'I believe it's to do with desire or love?'

'um...... Imma sing now-'

I started the song on my phone and instantly got fuzzy vibes from it.

(I'll put the English version down well this is the translation I found-)

"Having lied about the most inconsequential of things,
I'm unable to go back
No statute of limitations for my crime,
Robbed of forgiveness for that thievery of mine
Things don't look any better today,
Unable to keep up this deception the way I'd hoped
Slowly lapsing in depravity,
I hardly realize what has already been rotten"

-3rd pov-

Inumaki, Maki, Panda, Yuji, Fushiguro, Gojo and Kugisaki decided to go wonder about all having got bored of having nothing to do. They ventured out into the woods they see Yuki disappear off into a lot of times. It's always left them curious of what the boy does alone.

"Maybe he's just taking some time to himself?" Fushiguro asked.

"He's probably training again" Yuji spoke up.

"Tuna" Inumaki spoke.

"Maybe a secret lover~" Kugisaki sung.

"HUHHHHH" Yuji, Gojo and Fushiguro shouted while the others look horrified that the small boy could be meeting a lover.

Gojo instantly became suspicious thinking back to the boy making comments briefly about Geto. Yuji could hear Sukuna yelling at the words Kugisaki spoke. Inumaki was thinking about alot due to that. Fushiguro was getting protective. Panda was confused and so was Maki. Kugisaki just smirked at the chaos she had just created.

"N-No way! My little brother is too innocent for all of that!!!!" Yuji declared.

"He'd never keep it a secret from us!!!!" Gojo added on.

They kept walking till they heard singing, they spotted the boy but hid away out of site. Gojo noticing someone else was watching too that wasn't them but ignored it for now.

"Come here

'I hid it away'

Even if you realize it's me,
You don't meet to hold me in your arms again
Hey 'Mayday!'
If you realize it's me,"

Geto was stood watching the boy making sure to be well hidden as he sensed the others were there too. They all were mesmerized by the small males voice as he danced about at the edge of the cliff.

"Will you kindly laugh at me once more?

Saw W-o-a-h

I know I'm nothing but a ghost

Sat W-o-a-h
An empty shell built of lies

Though I'm sure that 'NO' is what I try to say,

Strangely it comes out as 'YES'

The bad thing about regret is that you start to realize that if
You can be fooled by someone completely, then you're 'innocent'"

The boy had noticed he had and audience but continued as he felt Nayaki's power course through him when singing. The others watched shocked as his eyes glowed and he took off his mask showing some markings by his mouth and fangs.

"Choosing to act cowardly, unfair?
No big deal, a prayer or two can take care of that
That affacted talkativeness of mine,
Just digging my own grave burning myself out

That sense of guilt, beholding like this for how long?
It'd all going gray...
Even if it's just me acting like the victim...

Feel free to berate me,
If honestly seems like such a wonderful thing

Hey 'Mayday!'
Bring down the gavel and seal my fate
I who've chosen to act spoiled to the end

Say W-o-a-h
I'm just a wandering spirit, dead and gone
Say W-o-a-h
A blank void, empty as can be

Wishing for what I lacked,
I can face to face with a version of 'me' that was nothing like myself
And yet I kept going
Even through the dark night that made my head swim
Love me! I who lack so much
I was raised by that selfish egotism of mine after all

Can you really see me?
This lonely, poisoned clown...

Even if you realize it's me,
You don't have to hold me in your arms again
Hey 'Mayday!'
It you realize it's me,
Will you kindly laugh at me once more?

Feel free to berate me,
It honestly seems like such a wonderful thing
Hey 'Mayday!'
Bring down the gavel and seal my fate
I who've chosen to act spoiled to the end

Expose me for what I really am,
For this world is about to meet its end".

The others looked up the same time Yuki did and saw clouds gathering and it began raining as he sang and danced freely allowing cursed energy to course through every inch of him. Gojo even had to think about stopping him too at this point but decided to let him continue. Yuji stared at his brother shocked as he's only heard him sing once. The others were shocked too as this was the first time they saw him without his mask. Geto smiled softly knowing this boy had potential too.

"Hey 'Mayday!'
Dance with me!
Did you actually realize 'i' was never truly here to begin with?

Saw W-o-a-h
I know I'm nothing but a ghost
Saw W-o-a-h
An empty shell built of lies
Say W-o-a-h
A blank void, empty as can be

Having lied about the most inconsequential of things,
I'm unable to go back
No statute of limitations for my crime,
Robbed of forgiveness for that thievery of mine"

The small back and orange haired neko finished panting softly and grinning freely with no care in the world for the fact he had been seen. He could feel the rain pelting him but it felt glorious a true fuzzy feeling was still there and he couldn't stop himself from laying back on the wet ground laughing softly.

Was this Serotonin?

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