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Hello friends, I think I should emphasize some aspects of this story so as to not confuse you all tooooo much

This is a period piece, a historical story set in a made-up world, however- it's also a comedy and it is not gonna be the most accurate to similar stories set in the past, it might seem modern setting based on the lingo used but it is an alternate universe, anything is possible

this story will edge on being super serious and super unserious, just enjoy it I promise the entire point is to make you laugh through the tears

charis is also a little shit, and she will let you know when she is.


Everything Ares had taught Charis was currently flowing through her mind like a typhoon. 

Don't do anything stupid.

However, that was easier said than done. In her current predicament, she wouldn't care if she would be taken away for murder. 

Beyond humiliated she looked no different than a prisoner in her current attire. The loose cream garments that she had been given from the brothel at the beginning of her mission were stained green and brown. Stains from the grass and the mud from her previous quarrel with Cyrus. 

He stood above her, positioned by her side as she was brought to her knees- his iron grip on her shoulder holding her down.

The room was quiet as they both waited for Prince Kasnier's arrival, not in the sense she had nothing to say... but the fact that he had actually muzzled her.

A piece of cloth tied tightly behind her head obscured any words that could come out of her mouth. And trust, she had things she wanted to say. But instead, she zoned out, trying her best to remain calm. God knows if she spent even a second longer thinking about this situation she would be an actual prisoner.

Don't do anything stupid... she closed her eyes and said to herself once more, using Ares berating words as a mantra.

The door to the private room clicked, the guards from the outside pulling it open with the help of the guards stationed inside in front of it. 

She heard the jangle of the jewels and gems that littered the prince. But still refused to open her eyes. Those jingles came to a sudden halt when the softest gasp left his mouth at the sight in front of him.

The jangling grew louder at the same time, and she peeled open her eyes to see the prince crouched in front of her, she shifted back quickly- surprised by how close he was to her.

He looked absolutely appalled by what he was looking at to Charis' bewilderment, and she felt the hand that was digging into her shoulder be smacked away. 

Cyrus revoked his hand, wondering to himself how he managed to get thwacked twice in one day.

"My God," the prince remarked, a flash of anger through his eyes. "I told you to bring her to me, I didn't ask you to violate her." Glaring at the pale-eyed man behind her. Kasnier turned his attention back to Charis who was watching them both intently. 

He reached behind her neck, the sleeves of his robe gently caressing her shoulders as he made quick work of the knot and untied it.

"No wonder she seems to hate you," he quipped, to which Cyrus' mouth bobbed open like a mute fish. "She's injured already and you bound her up and gagged her?" The prince reprimanded, his voice still even but very hard. "I am very sorry," he looked into her eyes, those bright jades looking deeply into her skeptical brown eyes. "This is not how I conduct any business."

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