Orange Swirls

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"Lord Ares," I heard Samed's voice before I saw him come down in a full bow.

From where I was being lifted into the now frigid air I could see everyone freeze up, some scared of him while others bowed immediately out of respect.

My wandering amber eyes shook slightly as I turned my head to see just who was holding me by my collar.

He was already staring at me, a dark thick eyebrow lifted up as his ice blue eyes critiqued me with every bit of judgment he had.

"What is this?" He shoved me towards Samed, but didn't let go of me. "And why is it looking at me like that?"

Samed saw my petrified look, his hands came up to grab me but Ares pulled me away from his grasp.

"It's a child, my lord." Mikhal spoke, and Ares threw him a look of annoyance.

He rolled his eyes, turning me around to be held face to face with his soft features, small gasps leaving the mouths of the women, a sign that they were worried for me.

"Do they think I have the same pea-sized brain as you?" He sighed before glancing up, "Mikhal, I truly hope for the sake of your own life that you do not think I don't know what a child is." He spat.

"Sir..." My attention went back to Samed who noticed the way I trembled after being held up to his face, "The child, she looks petrified..." I saw him swallow, the way he was talking to Ares made it seem as if he was extremely dangerous.

And he did, he seemed so dangerous.

His face was littered with small silver scars, those bright blue eyes that I had the misfortune of looking into, looked through me and stained my soul with a look of pure danger.

Even more scary was how even someone as big and strong as Samed, seemed to be very precautious of the way he spoke. Very careful of every word that came out of his mouth.

Ares froze for a moment, then threw me up in the air. I let out a silent scream, my mouth opened but no noise came out of it.

He quickly held me from under my arms. Holding me from my armpits, his thick leather gloves sending shivers down my spine.

"Are you scared, little runt?" He asked, and my lips peeled open and began to shake.

I shook my head, sandy brown hair going everywhere- even smacking his face. My free hands came up to cover my mouth in shock as I saw the look of annoyance run through his features.

"Then answer this," He narrowed his eyes after letting out a sigh. "What is a child doing here?"

Crickets chirped over the crackle of the fire, it's not like I didn't want to answer him. I could tell that he required an answer from me, but I just couldn't will myself to speak.

It was then Kai made the horrible mistake of waking up. He quickly stuck his head out the tent, calling out my name in a hushed whisper trying to find me but finding the entire camp staring back at him.

Kai's face lost all color, his lips fell into a straight line and he slowly stuck his head back into the tent- all the while every set of eyes were locked on the way he thought if he moved slowly enough we wouldn't be able to see him.

"Two children!?" Ares spat, dropping me to the ground.

My hands found the ground first, and I sprawled over it. Quickly kicking my feet from underneath me and running to seek protection behind Kareema who was holding out her arms for me to come into.

She pushed me back behind her legs and I took refuge behind her white skirt, her own eyes wide as she was stared down by Ares. But she was different from the rest, though she had acted the same as them I saw a look of steel in her eyes.

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