My Family

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Ares couldn't coax a tangible word to come from Charis' mouth, it was all just blubber that came out in the sound of sobs. 

Rahim was inconsolable as well, the sight of him cuddling into the side of his dead grandfather's body made even the stone-cold man watch in agony. 

Wrapping an arm around Charis' shoulders he pulled her over to Rahim and Sameed, he pulled the boy up and away from the cold body. 

Ares refused to look at Sameed.

"Ares, no please." Rahim cried, his tan face noticeably red and wet from the exertion of tears. "He's getting so cold."

The stony blue-eyed man looked down at the man he raised turning into the same child he had spent his formative years growing up with. 

"You both are injured, We need to get you checked out by Kareema." He stated, trying to get out of the house as fast as he could.

Upon hearing her name, Charis stilled in his arms. Ares turned from Rahim to look down at Charis, who was staring off at a door at the end of the hallway.

Ares glanced down at her, before letting the two go and snapping to his feet, confusing her focus as someone else being in the house. His sword unsheathed quickly, the loud sound muffling the sound of Charis fumbling as she fell forward at the quick action Ares took, and she yelled out his name.

"Ares!" She screamed, that being the only word from the past ten minutes he was able to make out, but he did not turn around. 

Rahim tried finding solace in his dead grandfather as Charis tried her best to get on her feet, but her legs kept giving out from under her.

Though she didn't seem to notice the extent of her injuries, her body knew and it proved it by paralysing her in place.

So she sat there, listening to the sound of Rahim crying and wondering when Ares would stumble upon Kareema.

Her heart felt heavy, a burning pain dancing throughout her body at the sound of the sword clanging to the floor.

She tried crawling but her arms wobbled trying to hold up her weight and she just narrowly missed falling into the pool of blood coming from the dead men.

Charis' lips trembled, her eyes turning into slits at the sight of the men who killed Sameed and Kareema in her home.

She had half a mind to continue carving out these monsters, her eyes wandered over to Rahim who lay on Sameed's chest- eyes blown out as he stared out the door.

The long length of her lashes often obscured her vision, but now wet with tears, they stuck up higher droplets hitting her hands as they flitted up to the sight of Ares walking out from the hall.

A shaky breath left Charis as she saw his discarded robe covering Kareema's limp body, her hand dangled out from underneath the black cloth. 

His bright blue eyes went grey, and not a shred of color nor emotion swam through the familiar hue. He watched as Charis' lips trembled as words failed her, so he turned his head failing to catch the sodden expression of remorse etched onto her face.

Heavy steps accompanied him as he walked out of the house, and Charis and Rahim watched as his figure got smaller and smaller.

Watched as Kai ran up to him and was swiftly ignored, watched Kai run towards them as Ares walked away. They watched Ares, even as Kai pulled Charis into his arms peppered kisses all over her face, and held onto Rahim's shoulder.

He was ignored as well, as he badgered them for answers.

Unfortunately, it seemed that they had ignored much more than just that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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