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Niall's POV

I woke up slightly, opening one of my eye lids. To my surprise I just saw a bare chest, was this... Oh right, I had fallen asleep with Liam rather than Zayn. Thank God, that episode last night was crazy. My legs were perfectly tangled up with his, as my hands found its way around his waist. I wanted to let go but... His warmth had other plans, I simply couldn't find the strength to pull away. Damn it Niall, you don't even know Liam like that either. 

I groaned, and reluctantly yet slowly pulled away from Liam's grasp. Unfortunately that was enough to disturb his beauty sleep, "Where are you going?" He hand a firm grip on my wrist. I looked over to him lazily, It was to early in the morning to be talking. That should be a law. Instead I just mumbled a bunch of nonsense, "ragglefraggle." 

He tilted his head slightly with confusion, but let go of me anyways. Not wanting to know what I just said, hehe. I tip toed my way over to the door, trying to dodge any creaking noises the cabin floors might have. Creak, creak creak creak. What the hell?! That's the first thing I wanted to avoid, but it creaks anyways. I looked down and mentally had an argument with the floor, shut up will ya?! Oh no, I'm going crazy now! I walked over to the door with a few more creaks, but this lot was long gone. 

I opened the door, which made the tiniest creak, which I wasn't so concerned about. Until I heard, "Where are you going?" I heard four voices say in unison. I placed my hands on my face, and pretend to cry. "Why God, why?" They woke up over the smallest noise, that's so not fair!

I turned around trying to look as innocent as possible, "Umm I got hungry. So I was going to head on over to the cafeteria." I smiled.

Zayn squinted his eyes, "Yeah, well not without me you're not." He said, standing up and pulling on a shirt. Noo, why did he put on a shirt-- well to go outside obviously... Silly Nialler...

I sighed, "Zayn, for the last time you don't--" He placed his index finger over my mouth to shut me up. Rude!

"Own me. I know, but your punishment says so otherwise." He smiled, liking the idea of me traveling everywhere with him for the rest of the vacation. "Yeah well... Liam could do that." I shot back, he looked irritated and shot Liam a quick glare. "True but, he seems so sleepy you know?" He argued back, obviously trying to win me over so he can go out with me everywhere. I gave him a weird look, but shrugged anyways. Taking Zayn out for breakfast may not be so bad anyways.

"Fine, you win. Now let's go, I am hungry and the stomach waits for nobody!" I exclaimed, grabbing onto Zayn's wrist as I dragged him to the cafeteria. I couldn't help but break a smile onto my face when I felt Zayn's touch. Wait, why am I feeling this way? I shoved those thoughts off, and entered the cafeteria in less than a minute; personal record if I do say so myself. 

We walked in as I let go of Zayn's wrist. He switched our positions, and instead held onto my wrist this time. I groaned, "Zayn the punishment doesn't require you holding onto my hand you know." But I had a feeling that I wanted him to hold onto me. This is really getting on my nerves now, just yesterday I was screaming at him. Now I feel a connection with this, potential cannibal? As the thought raced my mind I gasped and dropped my orange juice. I had completely forgotten about that until now...

I looked over and saw Zayn cleaning up after me, "Niall you have to be more careful." He told me with a concerned toned. My eyes just scanned his features in horror, what if he really was a cannibal.. Liam never answered my question last night, maybe he was just dodging it. I'd have confront him tonight.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. A thought raced through my mind which made me feel-- weak." I said truthfully. He didn't seem convinced, he squinted his eyes at me looking for any lies. He huffed, and lead me to a random table away from civilization. Not really, but away from the other students.

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