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A/N: Woo! First chapter of my second book. c: I don't think i'll add any smut scenes in here, it causes to much trouble and then it's changed to Rated R. So i'll just add a fluff here and there. Hope you like my idea. :) (Again A/N will rarely show up)

~Mario Jr. xx


Niall's Pov

I was walking around in a plain field, a plain field full of flowers and a single tree in the middle of no where. I walked up to it and sat down, where exactly am I? In the distance I hear the storms rolling in, oh man! I didn't even bring an umbrella. Suddenly an umbrella flashed before my very eyes, I didn't hesitate to open it up and walk into the plain field again. It was raining, but not raindrops. No it was much better, it was raining...FOOD!

Hamburgers, fries, steaks, even carrots start to fall out of the dark clouds. I was running around happily and munching on everything that fell into my mouth. I open my mouth as fries start to fall inside. Mmmm, salty... 

"I'm in heaven!" I cheered happily and ate everything that continued to fall. I opened my mouth up into the sky, and something odd fell into my mouth. The taste was unusual, it also tastes familiar... Could this be...?

I grabbed what fell into my mouth and quickly threw across the field. There lay a chopped arm, only a few inches away from me. What was that? I try gathering some spit in my mouth and spit out the blood that leaked onto my tongue.

"Don't spit it out, eat it. You know you want to." A sudden voice called. I turned around but saw no one. I was suddenly terrified of this place. What seemed to be a paradise full of food, soon turned into a living nightmare. It started to rain again, but this time it was.... Blood. I screamed and rain under the tree, why is there blood falling from the sky!

I hear faint cries and screams in the background. They sound agonizing, and I cover my ears and crouch down to block out the noise.

"Niall?" A voice called me, but I continue to keep my head down. "NIALL!" The voice cried louder and I snapped out of my nightmare.

"Niall sweetie, it's time for school! C'mon, today your vacation starts in the states!" My mum told me, I didn't hesitate to jump out of bed and get ready. I was slowly processing what just happend, did I really dream that? I walk into the bathroom and turned on the shower, just when the I thought the water was warm enough I jumped in and sang to myself.

"I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas plays,

fold 'em let 'em hit me raise it, baby stay with.

Love game intuition play the cards with spades to start.

And after he's been hooked play the one that's on his heart,

Oh woah oh oh oh. Oh woah woah oh. 

Can't read my read my, can't read my, No he can't read my

Poker face!"

I stopped singing, stepped out of the shower and put on my favorite four leaf clover shirt. I threw on black shorts, with some green converse. Summer vacation here I come! I grabbed my belongings, ran into the kitchen and ate faster than normal. Mum made eggs and bacon, which happened to be my favorite breakfast. 

"Baby, slow down! You're going to choke." She frowned, but I ignored and scarfed it all down in a matter of minutes. 

"Done! C'mon mum, I dont' want to be late!" I said happily, she chuckled and drove to my college. Mullingar's College of The Arts to be exact. I gave her a few kisses and goodbyes as I stepped out of the car.

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