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Niall's Pov

"Hello, I'll be your flight attendant for today's flight; my name is Harry Styles." 

I froze, what the hell is he doing here! I just saw him play the role as the security guard, he can't possibly have two jobs at once. Something's fishy here, and I'm not liking it!

"H-hi." I manage to stutter. He stares into my eyes and winks, I blush while turning away. What a creep, flirting with me; who does he think he is! I'm not gay, am I?

"Ohh, Niall got himself a new man. I always knew you were a little bit fruity." Misa teased. I glared at her while she laughs at me. 

Harry walked away to the very back. Thank God. I don't know what his problem is, but I think i've heard his voice before in one of my dreams lately. This is all very odd, I feel as if i'm in a horror movie. Sigh. I don't even know why i'm thinking to hard about this, i'm suppose to be having the time of my life. Not worrying about some creep who looks cute-- sexy-- irresistible. STOP. 

I shook my head and listened to my iPod. At least music can calm my nerves when I think about situations to much. I start to sing aloud as I listen to "I Am Cannibal," by Ke$ha. 

"I am cannibal. Cannibal, I'll eat you up." By this time Harry came back and gave me an amused smile.

"Oh so you're a cannibal now? You'll fit perfectly right in." He told me, while I gave him a confused look. His face dropped and quickly restated, "Never mind, forget I just told you that. Would you like a snack?"

That was odd, but i didn't hesitate to reply, "I just want some peanuts please." 

He gave me an immature smile, "Meet me in the restroom and I'll give you some alright." He joked, and scurried off. I turned forward, I can feel my face burning up from blushing. Okay something is definitely wrong with that flight attendant. 

"Niall you okay? You look you've seen a ghost." Ciel asks worriedly. 

I shake my head, "Oh it's nothing. I've just been extra tired lately." I lied.

He gave me a suspicious look but shrugged afterwards. I can't tell them that this guy may have potential feelings for me. It'll just make things more obvious! The best thing I can do is lay low and play it cool.

If that's possible.. 


Harry's Pov

I can't believe I almost blew my cover up, I need to think next time before my flirting urges take over me! I just can't help it, he's cute and adorable; I just want to eat him right up. Literally. Then again, I think Zayn would get mad at me if I did. Blah! He doesn't share any of his food, why should I?

I cleared my mind and remembered I had to give Niall his blasted peanuts! Well I did tell him to meet me in the restroom if wanted any. I guess he can't take a hint, he's to innocent! I looked through the cabients and found a jar of peanuts. I'll give him five bags, I want him to taste salty by the time I get my hands on him.

I walk back to isles and gave him the peanuts while giving him a smile. "Here you are cutie." I winked, crap why did I do that! Then again, he looks so cute when he seems creeped out. I smirked , patting his head and pranced back to the kitchen. 

My phone went off, what the hell; I could have sworn I turned you off. I looked to see who it was, it was Zayn. What does he want, does he want the plane to crash? I pick up and hiss, "What is it!"

"Shut up, how's the operation going? You didn't screw anything up did you?" Zayn said annoyingly. 

I groaned, "I'm more than capable of monitoring the place, thank you!" 

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