Hunger Part 3

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[11:30 A.M.]

Niall had been pacing back and forth, contemplating, sometimes even biting his nails just to show how nervous and terrified he was. I mean, he was in a house full of hungry cannibals, who wouldn't be scared? He pulled his desk, a chair, really anything within his room to block the door from keeping them out. His main goal at the moment was survival, and right now, his stomach growling isn't going to help him.

He sat on his bed, ignoring the pounding and screaming from his cannibalistic boyfriend, every now and then he would say he was back to normal. But Niall knew that was a lure, instead he'd shake his head in disbelief and cry. He placed his hands onto his face and cried silently, holding back the ugly sobs he promised himself he wouldn't release. The smaller boy would just have to wait it out until their hunger mode, or whatever it's called- to be gone. 

Will it even be gone? Niall then remembered that they need to eat before their hunger mode actually goes away, which places the Irish boy into even a bigger predicament. How was he suppose to get out of this one now?

"Babe? Babe! I'm sorry, open the door! I'm back to normal, please open up! Let me explain!" Zayn called from the other side of the boarded up door. But Niall already knew it wasn't his beloved boyfriend, it was that fake Zayn. The one who wouldn't to feast upon Niall's delicious flesh, and Niall wouldn't put up with his manipulative ways.

"Fuck off fake Zayn, I know it's you!" Niall shouted back in frustration. The fake Zayn laughed, Niall made up a title and gave it to Zayn, just to differentiate from his boyfriend and the cannibalistic side of him. "Fake Zayn? There is only one Zayn, Nialler." The cannibal replied with such calmness in his voice, it almost fooled Niall. Come on you little prick, I'm starving over here. Zayn's stomach growled in hunger, which only made him more impatient.

"Fuck off!" Niall raised his voice again. This time covering his ears forcefully with a near by pillow. All he wanted was his boyfriend again, was that to much to ask for?

"Let's play a game." The fake Zayn suddenly broke the silence, Niall laughed bitterly. What game did he have in mind?

"No I will not play the cannibal game." Niall responded back curtly. 

"We already are..." Zayn mumbled, "Let's play truth or dare. You go first." 

What are you planning Zayn? "Okay...? I pick truth." In return made Zayn chortle in amusement, he knew Niall all too well. Well, his other half did.

"Do you love your parent's?" Zayn finally said after sometime.

"Of course I do! What kind of question is that?" Niall replied back quickly, with confusion and a tad bit of anger.

The older boy chuckled, "I was just asking" He shrugged, even though he knew Niall couldn't see his gesture. "Okay I pick dare."

"I dare you to leave." Niall said bluntly.

"Ha!" Zayn ridiculed, "Not going to happen."

"You're not playing fair, what's the point of all this anyways?" Niall asked with curiosity.

Zayn stayed silent for a while and just smirked. How oblivious was Niall? 

"Zayn- AH!" Niall abruptly felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his torso and pull him up on somebody's shoulders. "LET ME GO! DON'T EAT ME!" Niall thrashed around frantically, crying and yelling out incoherent phrases.

"Idiot." Zayn mumbled and waited for Liam and Louis and clear the path between the door and stacks of furniture. "You were to easy little Nialler." He patted his cheek softly and walked down stairs, with the lurking hunger in his eyes.

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