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Worry, why was he feeling this way? Surely he could have trust his two best mates Louis and Liam to take care of his adorable, dirty blond. So why all of sudden this feeling comes about, the need to locate him and protect him from the danger that was after him? He knew lying to Niall about killing Misa was unfair on his part, but he didn't want to concern him more than he already was. Zayn knew his boy friend was acting off and strange lately, he notices every little thing that's odd about him. He couldn't be fooled, but he respected his privacy and never bothered not to question it. Regrettably, he wished he would have confronted him about his distraught.

Zayn walked into Scarlett's cabin, he wanted to kill her fast and now. He couldn't waste anymore time, he needed to get to his snowflake hastily. He barged into the cabin, and instantly rued it; somebody has already beaten him to the punch. Scarlett's insides were splattered everywhere, like someone just cut her open and didn't bother eating her. It's like they wanted to starve themselves... for the main course. 

Then something clicked in Zayn's mind, was it Alice that was after the love of his life? Ciel couldn't have killed her... And he didn't even know what happened to Misa! He screamed in frustration, then he did what his instincts told him to do. 

"Now what Zayn, somebody's already been here... But who?" Harry questioned, something wasn't adding up. He could have sworn Alice was going after Niall, well that's what his lover told him. 

"I think I know where to go Harry, but we need to hurry." Zayn rushed out of the cabin, and led them both into the forest.

He ran into the forest to save the love of his life, before it's all to late. He triggered his hunger, the tanned boy knew doing so would hurt him and Niall if he was to close. But he was stronger and swifter; so he had no choice, he just needed to get there. He stepped on branches, and occasionally running into poison oak, he knew that would get to him later. Nevertheless he had other priorities.

He heard a scream, and unmistakeably he recognized it as Louis's. What was he doing here? He ran into the open field where he fed upon humans and saw Louis on the ground. Crying in agony. 

"Louis!" Harry hollered at Louis, and quickly rushed to his side. "W-what happened?" He looked at Louis's hurt body, his leg was slashed, he had cuts on his face, and it looked like he had been stabbed by a dagger. Who else had this much capability? Alice? 

"C-Ciel, and M-Misa." Zayn stopped Louis, did he just say... Misa?

"M-Misa? She's dead!" Zayn shook his head, why would Misa join Alice's team? 

"Niall didn't tell you the truth, Ciel and Misa made their own little cult and pledged to kill Niall. Alice is also chasing him, but she wants to eat him instead." Louis cried, still holding onto his sides. Zayn lifted Louis up, and told him where they went. 

"You should go, I'll stay here with Louis and make sure he's doing okay." Harry rushed Zayn away, who knows if the other three got to Niall already.

Zayn didn't need to be told twice, he shot off into the direction Louis told him; he didn't stop and wouldn't stop until he found his Irish little snowflake.


Niall dodged another dagger that was being thrown at him and picked up instantly. He needed to be cautious around them, he was being chased by three people, who are both on separate teams. He kept running, until he reached a cliff, what was he suppose to do now?

"Well, this looks like a happy ending doesn't it?" Alice snickered at Niall, then she felt a strong pain surge through her left shoulder. She screamed in torment, dropping her crossbow in the process and gripping onto her shoulder. Who could have done this?

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