Bus Incident

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Niall's Pov

The plane slowly landed while I gripped onto my seat like my life depended on it. Again, Misa teased me saying we weren't going to die; the plane was just landing. I knew that! I hate being on these stupid air planes... The plane came to a halt as we stood up and carefully exited the plane. I waited for Misa and Ciel to come off because I literally ran out the plane.

"Damn Niall, it was only a plane!" Ciel laughed, I gave him death glare and he shut up. Covering his mouth to hold back the laughter.

"Leave him alone Ciel, Niall is a little baby." Misa teased. I groaned, as much as I love Misa and Ciel if they don't stop messing with me i'm going to snap.

We hurried to the front of the airport as we awaited further instructions from the teachers. "Alright students, your flight attendants should have given you your seat number and which bus to get on. You need to get into your seat, this will help us know who's missing and who's not. Okay?" Mr. Hampton said. I shook my head, no no no! Misa and Ciel get bus B while I get bus A. I suddenly become sad, Misa notices and tries to comfort me.

"Awww, Niall you know we would sit with you if we had the choice. Don't worry it's only ten miles away! Besides we're finally in America!" She enlighten me, I guess she's right. The buses roll in, but there are four buses instead of two.

"Why is there four buses?" I questioned. 

"The back two buses belong to London Rice University, they'll be accompanying us during the trip." Mr. Hampton explained. Ah okay, so we get British people in on this trip, I can't wait to learn their accent!

The teachers ordered us to get into our assigned bus and seat, I turned around and gave Ciel and Misa a hug. "Niall! You're going to kill me!" Ciel breathed. I let go, I blushed not realizing I was slowly ending his life. 

"Sorry..." I muffled. He laughed and messed with my hair.

"Don't worry, we'll be together again." He winked and hurried off into his bus. That did not just happen, let me clear my mind real quick...  

"Later Niall!" Misa waved and walked into her bus. I gave her a weak smile and returned the wave. Ugh, why was I the only one cursed to sit on this bus by myself. I don't even know the guy! I don't know anybody else in this entire school besides Misa and Ciel, I may be the top student in my college; but that still doesn't change the fact that i'm unpopular. Oh well, I have to suck it up and start using my social skills.

I sighed one last time and got onto the bus, surprisingly my riding buddy wasn't here yet. Odd... Everybody else started boarding the bus, chattering nonsense here and there. I was okay sitting by myself, until Mike came on and through a balled up paper at my face. Real mature... He and his crew laugh at me while I turn away and look out the window. I really had no patience to deal with them, so I let it slide. I took out my journal and started to write, hopefully I can at least get a paragraph done before Zayn gets on. Who ever he is...

Dear Journal, 

I'm finally on the bus, I was enjoying myself until Mike came on and started messing with me as usual. I'm still waiting for my riding buddy to get on, his name is Zayn; but I don't know who he is or how he looks like. Hell I don't even know if he even attends my college! But I have bigger problems, whatever happened to Josh on the airplane? Speaking of which, they'll know he's been missing, so the truth will have to come out eventually right?

Louis told me not to tell anyone or i'll regret it. Whatever that means, but he seemed dead serious. So I don't plan on messing with him, nor Harry. Harry said he was going to join us our field trip, why couldn't he be my riding buddy instead. Sure he's a huge ass flirt, but he's the only other friend I have besides Misa and Ciel. 

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