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Niall's Pov

I hear the birds chirping outside the cabin annoyingly, as my head bobs up and down as I lay on Zayn's chest. I can't believe he didn't mind me sleeping with him, and thankfully... I think, his date is next. Then I'll declare the winner afterwards; it's going to be a tough one I'll say that.

I wonder what Zayn would do if he ever found out I knew he was a cannibal. I shudder slightly in his arms, Jesus I'm still not use to saying that word. Liam told me not to tell Louis, Harry or Zayn. But why? If Liam was cool with it, why not them? And I'm pretty sure Louis already knows that I know! This is all very confusing and frustrating. I don't even know why I'm thinking about this, I deserve to be treated like a princess!

I also miss my best friends Ciel and Misa. I haven't seen those hood rats In a while, maybe I'll hang out with them tomorrow. If Zayn approves, ugh.

I shuffle slightly within his arms, I try to untangle him off but that just causes him to grip harder. Oh he's definitely awake. I try to pull out but he's to strong, he groans and pulls me into his chest. He smiled as I give up and continues to fall back asleep. Seriously?! I thought of a plan and remembered what annoys me the most.

Nudge nudge... I poke his sides. Nudge nudge... Nudge nudge nudge nudge.... Nudge...


"What?!" He hisses at me. Which gives me enough time to jolt straight out of the bed and get ready for a brand new day.

"Get up, I'm hungry!" I chimed at him, he pulls his pillow over his head and drowns me out. Oh so you want to play like that huh?

"Liammmmm." I hold out the 'm.'

"Mhm?" He says, he woke up early and reading his recipe book..

"Come with me to get breakfast, Zayn's being lazy as usual. So this might give you a chance to actually kis--"

"Already I'm up!" Zayn cuts me off, I smirk at him in victory. He puts on one of my shirts again and holds my hand as we head to the cafeteria. Surprisingly I don't mind him holding my hand today, which is odd.

"So are you going to write in your journal today?" Zayn asks suspiciously as I grab my daily breakfast meal. Well I guess I am today.

"Umm yeah, sure why not. Why?" I cock my eyebrow.

"Uh, no reason. Just having seen you write in it, that's all." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly.

"Mhm..." I roll my eyes and head to the usual back of the table. And amazingly, my friends are all there. As I walk a bit faster towards them, Zayn yanks my hand and leads me to a different table.

"What are you doing!" I hiss.

"We're not sitting with them." Zayn declares.

"But they're the only friends I have!" I exclaim. I can't put up with his shit right now, I wiggle my hand out of his grasp and run towards my friends.

"Niall! No!" Zayn shouts back at me, but I already made it to the table and enlace Ciel and Misa in a tight hug.

"Niall!" They yell excitedly. "Where have you been leprechaun?" Ciel smiles as he bear hugs me.

"Zayn prohibited me from seeing you guys." I frown.

"What a cunt." Misa states. I laugh at her and agree.

"Niall get over here this instant! You're mine!" Zayn's anger and jealously saturating his voice.

"I don't see a 'Zayn's property' tattoo on him." Scarlet argues.

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