24. Earth Girl meets Space Boy (and crew)

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We got back to our base, Phoenix to a bacta tank and the supplies to the command ship. Kanan and I were supposed to have Jedi training, but I went straight to the medbay on the command ship to check on Phoenix. Her wounds were looking better, but it will still be hours until it'll be safe to let her out. I looked up at the red haired girl, the girl from my vision. She was powerful, I knew that, and pretty I'll admit, but what was so special about her that I'd have a vision? My eyelids grew heavy and I drifted off to sleep.


I opened my eyes and let out a groan, not wanting to get up, then I realized where I was. I was back in my room, but I had fallen asleep in the medbay. Phoenix! I jumped out of bed and ran out, running right into Zeb.
"Easy, kid." He said.
"How'd I get back to my room?" I asked.
"You fell asleep in the medbay. The med droid let the kid out of the bacta tank so I moved you back to your room." Zeb explained.
"Is she awake?" I asked.
"Not yet, but she should be up any time now." He shrugged.
I nodded and went to the command ship and the medbay.

I opened the door and expected to see her unconscious in the bed. But she was awake, sitting up, and looking at her left shoulder, where she should have a much worse scar.
"W-What the fuck?" She muttered.
She touched the shoulder, there was no bullethole, hardly even a scar.

"Hey." I greeted, not exactly sure what else to say.
Her head snapped up and looked at me, then she stood up. Her pupils shined blue, then my lightsaber came unhooked and flew into her hand. She looked at it, glared at me and pointed it at me.

"Where the fuck am I, h-how am I not dead and where is Ash." She snapped, taking a few steps closer to me.
The room began to get warmer, was Phoenix doing this?
"Hey, easy. You're safe." I assured.
"B-Bulls-s-shit," She growled, still walking closer, "Who are you and where is my wolf."
"My name's Ezra, my friend and I found you and your wolf and brought you guys here."
I started backing up, my back soon hitting the wall.
"Where is she."
A small tank of hydrogen exploded and Phoenix finally stopped about a foot away from me.

"How the?!"
"I'm not gonna ask you again."
"I'm having very mixed emotions. You're scary but also half na-"
"Answer the question, jumpsuit."
"I-In another room, this droid wasn't programmed to heal animals."

"Why a-am I not dead."
"Can you please let me explain?"
"I am, count yourself lucky I ha-hav-haven't actually injured you yet."
"Trust me, I do. Can you please, maybe, back up a little?"
Phoenix glared at me, but took a step back and crossed her arms.

"Alright, Earth is not the only planet with sentient life. There are millions of species and planets in the galaxy, but because Earth is in wild space, it has remained untouched." I explained.
"So what w-were you d-doing there? I saw you before I pass-passed out."
"We crashed, the same night that you escaped Caledonia."

"So you kn-know about-"
"We do, and I know that you're a-"

She looked away for a moment, then seemed to relax and the temperature in the room cooled back down to normal.
"So, you're not some psy-psycho trying to use me?"
"No, we're the good guys."
She scoffed.
"Yeah, l-la-last time I believed that I looked death in the face, but uh," Her pupils turned green and she looked me up and down, "You're not sh-showing any signs of lying."

"When you f-found me, why d-did you help me? You could have c-completely ignored me and let me die," She said.
"When I read your file, I realized that you and I, we're a lot alike. Lost our family at a young age, forced to fend for ourselves."

She looked down at the floor, a few strands of red hair falling in her face.
"D-Did you f-find anyone else?" She asked, "A-Any other kids?"
"You were the only one we saw."
Phoenix stiffined. I remembered the tape of the escape, her friends Chubs and Liam, she had to be worried sick about them.

I remembered the locket and pulled it out of my pocket.
"Here, I found this in the woods." I said and held it out to her.
She took it and ran her thumb over the engravings.
"I think it was our fault you lost it, it was by a piece of our ship covered in blood." I sighed.
She froze for a moment.

"No fuck-fucking way, that glass was from yo-your ship?" Phoenix asked.
"Oh force."
"Th-That shit got me c-caught be Psfs!" She snapped, the room warming up again.
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to crash!" I sighed.
She sighed, muttering something about control and the room cooled down.
"W-Well, at least I didn't l-lose it forever." She said, putting the necklace on.

The door opened and Hera walked in.
"Hey Ezra, is the kid awake yet?" Hera asked, then looked at us, "Asked and answered."
Phoenix's eyes widened.
"Uh huh, I'm not sure how I feel about something green with no hair being more attractive than most humans I've encountered." Phoenix nodded.
"Thank you?" Hera chuckled.
"This is Hera, she's kinda the reason you're alive right now." I introduced.

"I wouldn't go that far, the bacta tank did most of the work. Are you feeling alright? Any pain?" Hera asked.
"Well I'm not s-sure what the hell you did but I feel bet-better than I have in months. Was there any ser-serious damage?" Phoenix asked.
"Nothing that should cause problems in the future. I just wouldn't recommend getting shot or burned again. Are you up to going outside?" Hera answered.
"I don't s-see why not," Phoenix shrugged, "Though I would pre-prefer having more clothing than this, and wh-what about Ash?"
"We'll get her, she's perfectly healthy. There weren't any fatal wounds, she just had a bit of blood loss." Hera smiled.
Phoenix sighed and nodded.

I grabbed a cloak and handed it to her.
"Here, you're bag's on our ship."
"Thanks. And uh, this is yo-yours." She said, holding out my blaster-saber.
I took my saber and she draped the cloak over her shoulders.

Hera led us to the veterinary part of the med bay and opened the door to Ash's room. My eyes widened, the entire room was a wreck, a few things were on fire and the black lothwolf had the medical droid's arm in her mouth.
"Ash." Phoenix sighed.
She looked up and dropped the droid arm, then ran out to Phoenix. Phoenix knelt down and hugged Ash.

"Wh-Why must you be so destructive?" She smiled, pulling away from the black wolf.
"Family, together." Ash said, then rubbed her head on Phoenix's arm.
"Uh, did that wolf just talk?" I asked.
Phoenix looked up at me, then shrugged.
"We can address that later, let's get back to the Ghost." Hera said.
Phoenix nodded and stood up. Ash ran back into the room, grabbed the droid arm and came back to Phoenix.

Hera led us back to the ship, Phoenix jumped at every creature she saw. I tried not to chuckle each time she did, knowing that she had no idea what they were. I grabbed her hand to try to help calm her down. She flinched, but didn't pull away.


Eventually we got back to the ship and Phoenix let go of my hand. We walked through the halls and ran into Zeb.
"Oh, the kid's awake. Good." He nodded as he walked past us.
"Why does he look like my cat after I p-painted him purple?" Phoenix asked, looking back at Zeb.
I covered my mouth, muffling a laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" Zeb asked.
"Nothing." I smiled.

We walked around and found Sabine training in the cargo area.
"Sabine, come here." Hera said.
Sabine nodded and came up.
"Sabine, Phoenix is gonna need some new clothes. I thought you might have something that would fit her?" Hera asked.
"Yeah, I should have a couple things." Sabine nodded.

"Ok, Phoenix, go with Sabine. And Ezra, I think you're late for Jedi training." Hera smirked, looking down at me.
"Blast! Kanan's gonna kill me!" I shouted and ran outside, looking for Kanan.

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