Chapter 3

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"How did it come to this?"

A lone figure jumped from one building to the next, the sound of his foot steps barely audible though it wouldn't have mattered if they were trying to be quiet or not. The chaos happening in Hosu is deafening. Craning his head, the person checked to see if they were still being followed and sure enough they saw the red and white hair.

A young Todoroki is currently chasing after the man that was part of the USJ raid, and as an excuse to be far from his father. Honestly, his old man needed to get off of his back. Back at the matter at hand, Todoroki and Endeavor were patrolling in Hosu with the hope of running into the infamous Hero Killer. They instead ran into Hosu being attacked by three monsters, similar to the monster that attacked them in USJ.

That's when Todoroki saw, out of the corner of his eyes, the same man from USJ perched on the ledge of a building. He had one leg dangling while the other was brought up to lean his arm on. If Shouto didn't know any better he'd say that the man looked bored, not even slightly bothered by the chaos happening around them.

Shouto had to make a sharp turn before losing sight of the man.


Todoroki found himself looking at his classmates, Bakugo and Iida, fighting the very villain that his father is after. Wasting no time Todoroki shot a torrent of fire at the Hero Killer before he could stab his class president.

"What the!? Half-n-half, why are you here!?"

"I could ask you the same." Analyzing the situation quickly Todoroki sent a wave of ice to a paralyzed Iida, a bleeding Bakugo and a random pro. "Even if I passed by, by mistake one of you two should have called for help. Don't worry, pro heroes are on their way in the meantime I'll protect you guys."

"Like hell I need your help! If anything you do since this fucker's quirk has to do with digesting blood!"

"Your the one who's bleeding though."

"Alright, fine! I'll be sure to ignore his blades and keep my distance."

However his bickering with Bakugo left him open for Stain to attack. With a quick jerk of his head Todoroki barely managed to dodge the knife before creating a pillar of ice to block Stain's follow up attack. Thinking quick Stain pulled the UA student towards him in an attempt to lick the cut but his tongue only felt the heat of the flames that erupted from Todoroki.

"This guy is dangerous, he nearly got me back there!"

"Why...why are you two here..? Please...," Iida's voice gradually rises with emotion, "stop. I INHERITED MY BROTHER'S NAME! IT'S UP TO ME, I AM THE ONE TO—!"

"Shut the fuck up four-eyes! There's no point in being a hero if you only want selfish reasons!" Bakugo jumped in front of Todoroki, his palms glowing with rising heat ready to let loose an explosion. "A HERO IS MEANT TO HELP, EVEN IF IT'S FUCKING UNWANTED."

"That's a nice creed you got there kid! Maybe I was wrong about you!" Stain's smile appeared more blood-curdling than proud. "You truly are worthy!"

It irked Bakugo a great deal, so much so that Bakugo immediately fired off his quirk. A widespread explosion that left no room for escape.

"You were right the first time bastard! That creed belongs to someone else, it's not mine!"

As the fight continued below the same lone figure from before stood atop of it all. His cloak flapped in the wind aimlessly as his eye narrowed at the blonde kid's loud claim. Yet he gave no comment, even when he felt his clothes become more restricted than normal.

"So, I take it that you're with the League of Villains?"

Best Jeanist stared at the villain before him, if they had already noticed his arrival they didn't give an indication that they did. In fact, they were completely ignoring him in favor of watching his intern and two other kids fight the Hero Killer. He didn't know why but his senses were telling him that this individual is far more dangerous, besides he's sure that Bakugo and his friends can handle Stain.

"Not going to talk." It was more of a statement than a question. "That's fine, just come quietly with me." Best Jeanist pulled the strings in an attempt to pull the evildoer towards him but came to witness his strings phasing through. "An intangibility quirk?"

The masked individual finally tore his lone eye away from the alley, it was just about over anyway, to finally give the attention the pro hero deserved.

"That's a handy quirk you have, however I will defeat you and end your crime spree."

"A strong determination that you have hero but mine is far stronger." His voice was deep and rough, sounding as if though it's the first time the man has ever spoken.

The two stared each other down waiting for a nonexistent alarm to commence their fight. At the sudden caw of a bird the swirl masked individual closed the distance at alarming speed. Best Jeanist sidestepped to his right, barely managing to dodge a punch aimed at his head before quickly raising his leg to block a knee to the stomach. Best Jeanist countered with a jab to the throat only for his palm to phase through. The Nomu took advantage by knocking his hand away and punching the hero straight in the chest. Best Jeanist managed to cross his arms to lessen the impact as much as he could.

Using the surprising force from the last attack to his advantage Best Jeanist propelled himself a great distance from the villain. His forearms stung a bit however.

"He has super strength and speed, not just intangibility. Close combat is not an option."

"Best Jeanist: known for his versatile quirk 'Fiber Master' allowing him to have complete domain over fabric. Fit for restraining with it's immense strength however weak when focus is lost." Spoke the Nomu, walking calmly as he did so.

"Knowledgeable in my quirk and weakness, I assume that you have been preparing to fight me?"

"I'm prepared to fight anybody when ordered."

"You're a mercenary."

"I'm nobody."

"Hey! Hey! No one's a nobody." A cheerful and energetic voice invited themselves into the conversation. From above the two was a periwinkle beauty that observed them with keen curiosity. "So, what's your name? Wait, what's your quirk? Why do you have a mask? Do you only have one eye? Why are you a bad guy?"

"It's the curious third year of the Big 3. She sure lives up to her reputation."

"Why are you asking questions," the Nomu crouched down and jumped with an impressive display of strength. He stretched his hand out towards the girl. "at a time like this?"

"To distract you!" A great claw swiped from below. The Nomu made no counter attack or any attempt to prevent the scaly appendage. At the exact moment the claw drew near him, his hand had reach the periwinkle girl's face and he phased through both of them. He landed directly on the roof that was behind the flying UA student.

"He has a quirk that allows him to become intangible, any form of attack is near impossible!" Shouted Best Jeanist. As confusing as it was to see Ryukyu here with her intern it was nonetheless reassuring to have back up.

"It's just like Lemillion's! Are you two brothers?" A single eye was the only close indication of a response to her question. Ryukyu, after reverting back to her human form, and her intern landed next to Best Jeanist after their failed surprise attack.

"Nejire-chan," said girl turned towards her boss, "if it's similar to your friend's quirk then how do we attack?"

"We'll have to be faster than him, predict what he'll do next."

"An adequate strategy unfortunately it's time for me to leave."

"I don't think so, we won't just let you escape that easily." The three heroes got into their stances, ready for a fight.

"It's not for you to decide." With his piece said, space itself suddenly began to distort and swirl around the villain with the eyehole as its epicenter. In a blink of an eye the Nomu was gone, leaving the heroes by themselves in deep thought.

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