Chapter 2

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"Sensei...are you sure that damn Nomu isn't dead?"

Shigaraki addressed to an old device in the bar, using his scrawny finger to point at the cross legged Noumu.

It has been two weeks since their failed raid, and since then the masked Nomu has just been sitting in a corner of the bar. Rarely have moved since.

"I assure you Shigaraki, that he is very much alive. He's simply patient." A voice of static came from the old device.

"Whatever," annoyed from the answer, Shigaraki turned back to the live feed of the Sports Festival, "doesn't mean he needs that stupid mask of his, it only has one hole." He grumbled the last part of his sentence.

If the Nomu heard the comment it made no indication.

It was silent after that, the only noise coming from the t.v and clinks of glass as Kurogiri organized his bar. A few minutes had passed until a new voice spoke up.


"What is it?" The voice from the comm box was curious. After all, this certain Nomu was different from the rest it's why he's kept it around the most. It's smarter than the rest, stronger than the rest, and more humane than the rest. It retained its human form, and human intelligence, and exceeded the expectations placed upon him.

It was the perfect Nomu.

"...I would like to go out..."

"I see no harm in it," Kurogiri spoke up as he clean a glass cup, "this could be educational, Sensei."

There was a moment a silence before the voice announced his decision. "Hmm, very well. But I would like to know why."

The answer was simple. "...No reason."

Days later:

"He's fucking doing it again."

"He's just sitting Shigaraki." Kurogiri poured the man-child a cup of alcohol. Days have passed since their Nomu's odd request. He had only left for at most an hour before coming back. When asked where he had went off too, he simply ignored them. Needless to say, Shigaraki destroyed three of Kurogiri's glass cups in great irritation.

"I seeee," A voice drawled out from the shadows of the bar. A hunched over man stepped out into the faint lighting as his unusually long tongue came out to lick the side of his cheek. "So it was you bastards that raided Yuuei...And now you wanna add me to your little gang too!"

"Ah, yes if you would." Shigaraki propped on his elbow arrogantly. "Your the great Senpai of us criminal filth."

"What is your goal?" He eyed the masked figure occasionally.

The fact that it had not moved since his arrival, and assuming to even before he arrived, was worrisome.

"Why, to lay waste to All Might," Shigaraki raised his arms as a priest would pray to his Lord, "snuff the light out. Then we'd destroy anything that isn't to our liking." He then pulled out a couple of pictures. "Like say...These little shits...All of them."

Stain sneered at the photos, seeing that they were only about UA students. "I was ill-advised to be interested." Stain crossed his arms over his stomach as he reached for his knives. "You...Hahhh...You're the type I despise the most!"


"To want me to associate me with your childish tempers," he crouched slightly, "What sense is there to bloodlust without a cause!?"

Off to side Kurogiri looked towards the old comm box. " it all right to keep this going?"

"No, this is good!" The voice sounded pleased. "A opportunity to learn shouldn't be ignored, this will help Shigaraki greatly!"

"To be honest, I don't like you."

Bakugo wore an expression that seemed to be a cross between a surprised and a scowl.

"Huh?" His response came out with a low growl.

In front of him stood the No. 4 Hero: Best Jeanist.
Though his hero costume hid his face, Bakugo could just tell that he was being criticized from the hero's judgmental eyes.

"You accepted my offer because I ranked among the top five heroes, did you not?" The hero's attitude was seriously beginning to grate on Bakugo's nerves.

"Hello, you're the one who nominated me."

*What the fuck is his deal?*

"That's right! Recently all our candidates have been nothing but good kids." Best Jeanist then pointed at Bakugo. "It's been a while since someone like you has come! Reforming you dreadfully brutish people such as yourself is what I do as a hero."

Bakugo's fist tighten. His teething grinding. His scowl deepening.

"You have the twin sides of both villain and hero in you," Bakugo clenched his mouth tightly, "I'll show those glistening eyes of yours, what it is that makes folks heroes." With that said, Best Jeanist walked off as he subtly told Bakugo to follow.

Who stared at the pro's back with barely contained anger.

Who the hell does he think is is to tell him that! What the fuck gave him that fucking right!? That fucking 'authority' to reform people!? Just because he took fucking round face serious in the Sports Festival!? Because his ambition to become a hero was too fucking strong?!

Because Bakugo Katsuki believed that his journey to becoming a hero Is way of redemption.


Bakugo already knows that he isn't the best person, he already knows that he doesn't meet the categories of becoming a inspirational hero, he knows that he doesn't have the heart of a hero. No, those heroic traits were only reserved for someone else.

"So, have we come to an agreement?"

Rubbing his wrist in an attempt to soothe his pain Stain responded. "I tested your mettle. Those at door's death always express their tru colors. You're odd, but the scent of a crooked creed dwells in you."

"Big talk for someone who got their ass kicked."

Fighting back the urge to show discomfort, Stain analyzed the person in front of him. Wearing nothing but a black chin-high collared cloak and black pants. He wore a masked covering the entirety of the individual's face, leaving only a single eye socket to allow sight.

It was quick and sudden, Stain could barely have registered the speed of this 'Nomu'. What worried him the most was how it dodged his attack.

*A quirk to phase through objects. That's a pain in the ass.*

"I'll save the time of killing you all for later, it probably won't be long until then." Appearing to show great confidence to save face, Stain took another glance at the other masked member of their party.

A quick wave of fear ran down his spine.

For what stared back at him was a glaring red eye, that held three tomoes. Here, he could tell that this 'Nomu' is not to be trifled with.

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