Chapter 5

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"Baku-bro? What are you doing here?"

Kirishima didn't expect to see Bakugo of all people here in the local flower shop. If anything Kirishima expected to meet Bakugo at a game arcade or at the grocery store, anywhere but here.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Bakugo handed the old lady behind the counter the exact amount of money needed. "I'm buying some damn flowers."

Kirishima eyed the bunches of flowers that his friend held. There were two bunches, one were dark pink roses while the other ones were yellow. He also took note of the small bucket in his other hand.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, uhm, just buying some flowers too. My mom's birthday, so, yeah."

Bakugo grunted before exiting the small establishment, he waved a casual farewell to the granny before he left.

"He-hey! Wait, up!" Kirishima fumbled with his pockets before quickly tossing the money on the counter. "Keep the change!"

Kirishima followed Bakugo, striking up conversations as they walked and would occasionally ask where exactly they were heading to. Bakugo for the most part would tell him off or ignore the question entirely yet it wasn't enough for Kirishima to stop following him. Eventually they arrived at the cemetery.

Bakugo stopped to simply gaze at the entrance, the black and curve gate never failed to tighten his chest. Kirishima decided to stay silent, a decision that Bakugo was grateful for. They continued their walk for awhile until they reached a humble tombstone, it had a small average vase with shriveled up yellow roses.

Without a word Bakugo knelt down and quietly replaced the dead flowers with the fresh, new ones. Opening the bucket Bakugo reached inside and pulled out a small wooden brush, the soapy water falling back into the bucket. He began to clean the grave.

Kirishima all the while stayed quiet, feeling it was the most respectable thing he could do. To pass time Kirishima observed who exactly did the grave belong to, a relative, partner or friend? Once the tombstone was a bit cleaner, he saw that it read:


He had a bunch of questions surfacing in his head but the most prominent one was who was Midoriya Izuku?

"You got something to say, shitty hair?"

"No-I mean, yeah but..." Kirishima rubbed his head in confusion, "it looks really personal, maybe I shouldn't have bothered you." He turned to leave.

"If I didn't want you here then I wouldn't have let you follow me." Bakugo got out of his kneeling position and once again stared at the grave. His expression was less aggressive than usual but was firm all the same. Kirishima stood a bit to the side of Bakugo.

"Who...who's Midoriya Izuku?"

A moment of still silence passed before Bakugo answered.

"A friend that I had lost some time ago."

"Sorry for your loss. Was he a good friend?"

"...He was the most goddamn annoying, crybaby of a nerd with zero talent. A loner, a loser with nothing to show for. A weakling of an insect that I can crush whenever I wanted to. I hated him with every fiber of my being." Kirishima was a little taken back at the harsh description.

"But he was smart and kind, he understand others well and never seemed to want to leave me alone. He had a huge passion for heroes, fucking wanted to be one too."

Kirishima could now see that the death of his friend had really affected him. That he was feigning being tough. He wondered that if Midoriya and him would have been friends too, he didn't sound so bad. The two UA students stayed silent for a minute longer until Kirishima noticed that Bakugo was still holding on to the dark pink roses.

"Hey...uhm, looks like there isn't enough space in the vase for the rest of those roses."

"That's because these aren't meant for him..." Bakugo softly looked at the roses in his hand in deep thought.

"They're meant for her."

The two now stood in front of another grave. On its tombstone it read:


"This is all the intel that I was able to gather but it is more than enough to confirm my suspicions."

Tsukauchi passed out several files from both ends of the table. The teachers each grabbed a file and found it to have pictures of crime scenes, objects, reports from very few witnesses and profiles.

"We have reason to believe that this individual," Tsukauchi turned on the projector to show a blurry picture of a familiar Nomu, "is responsible for stealth attacks in several countries that he has infiltrated."

"Seriously?!" Present Mic commented as he read a report that came from France. "No wonder the League recruited him."

"Actually, it seems that he's their underling," the detective pulled out a single report, "from what Best Jeanist reported the individual seems to take orders from an unidentified person and seems to have no sense of their own free will. It was stated that the individual considered themselves as "nobody" and only left it at that. Which is what we'll call him for now."

Another click and the projector showed a video. It was shaky and blurry but it was manageable enough to show of what had transpired that night during the Hosu Incident.

"We confiscated this recording from the news helicopter and were able to find out that "Nobody" possesses quirks of intangibility and teleportation. He's classified as a dual quirk user." Two short clips were shown; the use of the intangibility and the teleportation quirks.

"So the league has another person with a teleportation quirk, and the quirk to phase through objects. Is that how he was able to travel from country to country and not get caught?" Vlad asked as held up crime scene pictures of Germany, America and Russia.

"Correct. To further hide his identity he has taken to wearing a chin high cloak with an orange swirl mask. We've already ran background checks for quirks remotely similar to his but nothing matched or came up. As far as we're concerned, he doesn't exist."

"Odd but why infiltrate several countries? From what I've read it seems that there is no clear reason, everyone always has a motive." This time Midnight spoke.

"It is not certain but the motive may be to find certain people, he's suspected in being possibly responsible for several kidnappings. Since with each crime scene that was able to be reported there were signs of struggle." Tsukauchi secretly sent a knowing look at All Might. "We have however come to the conclusion to consider this individual a serious threat." With that said Tsukauchi turned off the projector. He now patiently waited for the school's principal's response.

Letting go of his clasped paws Nezu looked up in thought. He hummed a little tune, the tone changing with each different thought he had.

"I believe that there is only one solution. Right, Aizawa?"

With a grunt Aizawa could only grumble in annoyance. Why did he have to be the one to answer?

"The destination of this regular school trip will change, and the new destination won't be announced until the day of the event."

The students groaned in unison. Some have already told their parent's where the trip was taking place. Others were more worried about if the supplies they bought were a waste of money. Either way the journey for the school trip will be taken with great caution and the pro heroes will make sure to have more reinforcements at the forest lodge.

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