Chapter 4

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"Please, please, please tell me it's not true! You have to try harder! Please!" The pain and sorrow that filled her voice was too much. Her eyes overflowed with tears that only a grieving mother could have. "Please find my son!"

The occupants of the room felt their hearts ache at her desperate pleas, they have never seen her in such a broken state.

"I'm terribly sorry Mrs. Midoriya, I truly am, but my men and I have been unable to find your son. We will keep searching but if he is not found within the next 3 days then I will have no choice but to stop. This is the best I can offer. I wish you the best." The detective left the house without another word.

The mother began to weep uncontrollably, falling to her knees as the last of her strength left her body. She felt a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her to comfort her and she clung to them without a second thought. Fearing that they too will abruptly vanish like her son and leave her all alone.

"A-auntie, I-I'm sorry.... I didn't mean...I didn't want..."A tearful and guilt ridden young Bakugo spoke. The young boy would have continued to speak if it were not for the pair of eyes fixating themselves on him. They were filled with hate and loathing and have replaced the once kind eyes. They paralyzed him through his very soul.

"Son...I think it's best if we leave them alone for awhile. Your mother will come back home later." His father gently nudged his shoulder, guiding him to the front door to leave.

"...okay..." It was barely above a whisper. As the door closed behind him the wails and cries of agony began and it only grew louder by the second.

The flashing lights of the ambulance brought Bakugo back to the present. He blinked once and twice before finally taking notice of the paramedic bandaging his arm. They had just detained the Hero Killer after he had gave his unknowingly infamous speech. He looked on ahead and saw his classmates speaking with their respective mentors; Iida was receiving a lecture and Todoroki stared impassively at his.

"I need an explanation, do not believe that I will simply ignore this behavior of yours."

At the sound of his own mentor Bakugo turned his head farther left and saw that he was speaking with Ryukyu. They seemed to be arguing about something.

"For the last time it does not concern you." Ryukyu crossed her arms defiantly.

"Wow, I don't think I ever saw Ryukyu act like this before." It wasn't until now that Bakugo realized that the paramedic was already gone and replaced with the the last remaining intern. "Do you know why?"

"Hell if I know." His snappy remark did not bother the female. "Why do you want to know what I think about anyway, it's not any of your goddamn business."

The curious upperclassmen would have asked a barrage of questions more that peaked her interest if it weren't for her own mentor unknowingly stopping her.

"Nejire-Chan, let's go."

Bakugo watched the girl walk to the pro heroes but looked away at making eye contact with one of them. It seems like his actions from before will not be overlooked at anytime soon. As soon as they left he looked up to see Best Jeanist staring down at him.

"Your excessive actions against the Hero Killer was overkill," Bakugo's scowl deepened, "but was however understandable. I can see that you still had enough sense to not only prevent grave injuries to the enemy but to make sure that your comrades were not caught in the crossfire. I'm impressed."

Best Jeanist saw the scowl on his intern slowly dissipate. He still had his work cut out for him on the kid's crude behavior but he felt he had nothing to worry with his actions as a hero.

A week and a half has past since the attack in Hosu, which means the end of the UA's students finals. And the start of the League of Villains expansion and influence.

Inside the eerily lit bar a similar distorted swirl made its presence known, and in a few quick seconds from the epicenter came out the masked Nomu. He came face to face with two new individuals; a blond girl with a heavy blush and a tall patched up man.

"Oi, oi, oi. What the hell is this?" The scarred man spoke in an irritated tone. "First the creep leaves and now this kid shows up out of nowhere?"

"Hiya, I'm Toga Himiko! Are you here to join the League of Villains because of Mr. Stainy too?"

The masked Nomu walked past them without giving any signs of acknowledgment and stood in front of Kurogiri.

"I can assume that your "little errand" was a success?"


Kurogiri looked up to see Toga with an upset frown and Dabi with a displeased expression. Seems like they did not take kindly at being ignored, too well.

"Apologies for the rudeness but he is not here to join but because he was already with us from the very beginning."

He extended his hand out in the direction of the Nomu, "Let me introduce you to Toga Himiko and Dabi. They'll be our newest members for the League of Villains." The Nomu pulled down his hood and finally accepted their presence. "He has no name in particular, but you may call him Nomu. That is what he is after all."


"You'll find out in due time." Kurogiri answered Dabi's question. "Now that we have exchanged names, I think it's only appropriate for you to take your mask off... Nomu."

At his request the Nomu gently grabbed his mask and pulled upwards. Dabi quirked an eyebrow and Toga grinned wider.

"You would look cuter with blood on your face. Specifically the scarred part." Toga pointed at the Nomu's right side of his face. "Looks like scorch marks, I bet you looked really cute when it happened!" True to the blood loving girl's words, there's a pale scar with jagged edges that decorated the Nomu's right side of his face.

The type of scar only possible from being on the receiving end of an explosion.

The Nomu said nothing and neither did he do anything from preventing the girl to touch his face. Ignoring the scar the Nomu had no other special qualities, simply freckles, pitch black hair and a pair of dark, dead emerald eyes.

"Guess I'm not the only one with burn marks on their face."

Toga finally stopped poking the Nomu's face and placed both arms behind at back. She offered a grin and the swing of her knife. The Nomu simply caught her fist with the palm of his hand, the knife securely tucked between his ring and middle finger. Toga struggled to pull her arm and only succeeded when he pushed her back.

"Awe, I wanted to see your blood. Let me cut you, please." Her blushed became darker at the thought of her intentions.

"Damnit crazy girl, that's enough fighting for today. I'm not in the mood to you kill you both." For emphasis Dabi ignited his hand with blue flames.

"I must ask you two stop fighting again. Nomu, stand down." The two reluctantly listened to the black mist bartender. "Please, sit and let me serve you drinks. We'll discuss our plans once Shigaraki returns."

"Good afternoon, I was wondering if we could talk." Standing outside his agency was the detective Tsukauchi Naomasa in his usual attire.

"Detective Tsukauchi, what exactly brings you here?" Best Jeansit was confused, he had already filed in his report and he was very specific on the details. He was confident that he had missed nothing.

"I need you to confirm my suspicions about this." Straight to the point Tsukauchi brought out a file and handed it to Best Jeanist. "It may prove to be incredibly beneficial."

Best Jeanist observed the file in his hands before opening it. His eyes widened at the contents the file held.

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