Part I

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The salty breeze and the warmth of the sun was something that Melissa never seemed to get tired of. One of the most simple things she could enjoy besides everything else that was available, after all who wouldn't be fascinated by a artificial island holding four cities. Especially one that's always constantly on the move.

However today is indeed something special, her uncle All Might has decided to visit for the I-Expo. Due to her invitation of course.

Currently the famous hero is having a private talk with her father so she decided to take a stroll. Which eventually led her to a bookstore.

"I wonder what they're talking about? Probably something nostalgic." Melissa muttered quietly as she scanned the bookshelf. "Hmm, oh, this one sounds interesting."

Her hand reach out toward a hard covered book and as it was ready to grasp the spine it was suddenly blocked by another. In reaction to the sudden surprise Melissa recoiled her hand and turned to view the newcomer.

The first thing she took notice was the medical mask the person wore and the nonchalant eyes. He appeared very simple and plain, given the simple navy t-shirt and jeans he decided to wear. He also appeared to be near her age and height.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice that you wanted the book too." Melissa stepped back and gestured towards the shelf. "You can take it if you want. I'll just grab a different book."

A moment of awkward silence passed by prompting Melissa to release a nervous chuckle. That only increased the uneasy atmosphere. The genius inventor slightly shuffled her feet nervously when the person in front of her made no visible movements. At first she thought he was deliberately messing with her until she remembered something.

"Oh, maybe he doesn't speak English. I forget that some people come from around the world to visit. Besides English I only know Japanese, but I don't know if he actually speaks that lang—"

"It's okay, you can take the book. I was simply browsing." He slightly inclined his head forward as a sign of an apology. Though his tone sounded indifferent.

"You... you can speak English." The teen nodded his head. "Then why...why didn't you say anything?" Besides her obvious confusion Melissa was a bit upset at his earlier behavior. She found it quite rude in fact and it was evident in her tone.

"I'm sorry," Melissa quietly observed him as he grabbed the book she wanted, "I don't usually talk to anybody besides myself. So when I saw you, I was momentarily stunned. That's why I couldn't help but stare, I was completely overwhelmed." He extended the book towards Melissa.

Besides the clear explanation given Melissa couldn't help but feel herself blush at his words. Tentatively Melissa grasped the book from him.

"I'll leave you alone now." With his farewell said he turned to leave and return with a certain group.

"W-wait a moment! My name's Melissa Shield. Sorry about my rude behavior." The blond beauty took a couple steps forward just as the man turned back around. "What's your's?"

He looked at the offered hand for a while until finally accepting it. Maintaining eye contact he answered before letting go.

"My name's Hisashi. Hisashi Tatsuma."

"Sorry, again, but I was wondering if we could hang out again sometime. As a way of apologizing. I'm suppose to meet someone that accompanied my uncle soon but if you want...?" Melissa shyly asked

"A truly kind offer but unfortunately I have already made plans today." Hisashi's body hesitated when he turned to leave. "Be careful tonight."

With his piece said the now named Hisashi left the store, leaving Melissa to stare in wonder and confusion at his last comment.

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