Are those Real Names?

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I sat down in Lena's apartment to enjoy hot chocolate and Amazon Prime when Mr. Weird came and asked me to explain a few things. "Could you enlighten me on a few things because they are a security issue?" I smirked, "I suppose you can ask me." He paused for a moment and asked, "Why do you spend your days transiting from New York to Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. to Chicago to Florida and repeat? Couldn't you just stay put in one place?" I frowned, "I go to NY to spend time with GG, Hattie, Posh, Ems, and Fin." He interrupted me, "Who?" I gave him a condescending look, "GG is my grandma, she suffers from congenital heart disease, Hattie is my great auntie she suffers from dementia. Posh is my brother. Ems and Fin are my cousins. They love New York City. They wouldn't move even if you put a gun to their heads. Lena, Edge, Tank, Anon, Breaker, Di prefer here in the DC area." He interrupted, "What?" I rolled my eyes, "Edge, Lena, and Di are my cousins. Anon, Breaker, and Tank are my baby brothers. They like it here for some reason I can't fathom. Then there is Dash, Sasha, Sembi, Bats, and Bob they love LA." His face wrinkled to absorb this information, "Come again." I frowned, "Dash is my cousin. Sasha is my sister, Sembi, Bats and Bob are my brothers." He scratched his head, "Ok! If you say so." he said it like he was testing the waters before he was about to dive right in. I drifted into my trip to Chicago, "Cole and Basher live in Chicago and Max lives in Florida. They are my cousins." I answered before he could interrupt me. I looked at him as I walked to get a novel from the shelf, he comically raised his eyebrows, "Are those the names on their birth certificates?" I almost slipped on the wooden floor. I had to take off my high heels to walk. I turned to him in utter amazement, "It's their nicknames. For some reason beyond me, they hate their birth names. So when I decided to raise them I gave them contemporary names."
He shadowed me as I walked to answer the doorbell. I opened the door to see a guy about my age carrying a sealed envelope. He smiled an apology and gave it to me. I gave him an encouraging smile and accepted it. I walked back to the living room to see Lena was waiting for me. "Is that the invitation to Senator Wilson's party?" I gave her a nod and drifted to one of the bedrooms to change. I heard shuffling feet and a crash followed by two more crashes. A few shrieks followed after that. I laughed at the comical scene unfolding. She must be wondering about how her husband forgot that today is her birthday. I was wrong she was calling everyone to make sure that a small army of bodyguards would protect me against the next assailant, Liam. Edge gave Mr. Weird his famous speech, "What stands before you are the best men and women who been in the service. I am giving you a small army with one request. Keep MM safe. MM will be leaving this property in a few minutes. She will be attending that party for an hour. The total time she will be out of this residence is three hours. I want your promise that she will be returned to us unviolated." He gave Edge a nod looked at his troops for the mission. His expression made me want to laugh but I managed to compose myself
I arrived at the party with a full military motorcade. The security at the party almost mistook the situation and believed the president had arrived. When they saw me they gave me an annoyed look. They understood that I get kidnapped here annually but it is not their shortcoming. I walked in and gave Sam the head of security a wink. Mercer the butler showed up with a kind smile.

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