Can we please talk?

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Angie cornered me when I was walking out of my favorite restaurant, "Excuse me, ma'am. I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time." I looked at her, a tall thin guy, and Weird who was standing next to her, "Sure sis what do you what now after you almost killed Auntie Belle with a heart attack?" She jumped back when she realized who I was, "Sabrina! Is that you? You have grown up. What do you mean I gave Auntie Belle a heart attack? Is she ok?" I wanted to sneer at her but I collected myself, "She is in excellent health no thanks to you. Why don't you come with me and ask her yourself? You didn't show up for mom and dad's funeral, not even for big brother's funeral. I had to pick up the pieces. Do you think being me is easy? What would you know responsibility? Your specialty has always been running away from responsibilities." She lowered her head to apologize. I wasn't finished, "Your sister Clara was a monster. But you never tolerated anyone complaining about her. See this?" I showed her the scar that MIA had craved on me. She pursed her lips but said nothing further. I gave her a nod and told her to run along before I make a few calls and make her lose her badge. She backed away without saying another word. "Stay away from me and my family. You have destroyed enough before you washed your hands of us. We don't need Hurricane Angelica to return ok."
I got on my McLaren and drove to see Hattie.
Angie and the others followed me to see Hattie but they kept their distance She gathered me in her arms and kissed me all over my face. It turns out she was not suffering from dementia but depression. I decided that we should go for a walk. She loves chocolate tarts and I knew just the perfect hole in the wall that serves the best. We walked into the dames of pastry and she was delighted to see the tiny tartlets of crushed butter biscuits and thick bittersweet chocolate ice cream. She hopped like a little girl as I handed a box of the stuff. She closed her eyes and bit off a piece. She opened them and saw Angie behind and she screamed, "You ungrateful girl. What business do you have now? What have you left to destroy? Your father made it clear you are never to show your face near us again." I hugged Hattie and asked Angie to leave. She backed away crying and the man next to her looked at us with shock. To this man, this monster must have been an Angel. I stroked Hattie as she made me swear that I will have nothing to do with her again. Angie's action cost the life of Hattie's only grandchild, Andrew. He died and she did nothing to save his life. We did but it was too late.
We got a fresh batch of the stuff and walked out to the park nearby where we watched ducks and ducklings quacking and swishing their cute little tails and walking past us. We named them Furfighters. We watched pigeons walk and flying as children chased to catch them. Some were holding bird seeds in their hands shivering scared. As a bird lands to eat they scream and run back to their mommies. I only ate one of the tarts and let Hattie eat the rest. She suggested that we take some for GG. I got the requested item and we walked out to see Weird waiting for us. Hattie purred, "Sweetie! Your boyfriend is here." I shook my head, "He is not my boyfriend. He is too skinny. Sasha can kick his butt and then some. And he is a Fed. Which means double boring." Hattie laughed, "Why do you chase men away. Is it because of Nick? He really made you believe that no one will love you. Well, there is always Chris." I smiled, "Actually there is someone better than this twiggy. He is busy but he will be free next week. You will love him Hattie." Her eyes grew wide with awe, "Is it, Arden? It is Hank? Tommy? Matthew? Is it Edge? Tell Hattie please." I shook my head, "You hate spoiler alerts about movies so expect me to keep this a secret as well. Come on Hattie it is just five days away. Be patient." She wrinkled her nose but said nothing further. We got in the car and I drove Hattie home. A new agent was waiting for me outside of the house. I gave the number of the secret service agent to Hattie and asked her to call this number as I was sure I would be arrested. I walked the moment she was making the call. Sure enough, she arrested me for withholding evidence regarding the bomb in the first son's car

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