To the rescue

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I was testing a few items I designed for the Secret Services. Adam was informed that a few of his fellow soldiers were in POW camps. He asked the Secretary of Defense for permission to help but he said no. So I made a few calls and got approval from the President. I called everyone I knew and got him an army and off we went to rescue those guys.
I ordered my factory to send a few prototype weapons to make this rescue possible. I ordered doctors and medical equipment to come too. Surgeon in case of roadside surgery. I made calls here and there. We took off as the woman from the CIA kept screaming. She kept pleading that we should let them stay there. Their suffering is serving a purpose. I lunged to punch and Adam reached out and pulled me away as Maria a Secret Service Agent assigned to observe testing punched her in the face.
I was reminded that I am forbidden to punch someone. I apologized and sat down along with the valiant men and women who answered my call. When the plane landed I ordered it to hover up in the air until it sees a big bang. They happily obliged. I got them to sign an NDA and that they return thr equipment when they were done, they happily obliged as they sized these weapons.
The men snuck in using the equipment I lend them. They surrounded the place and used their sidearms with silencers. Then they used concussion grenades indoors and watched as they dropped like flies. These guys remained stationary as these guys managed. They snuck in and got every last soldier they held captive. After a little Q&A, we discovered there was one more so we flew there as. Some required medical attention so thr doctors took over and handled it. We dropped them at the army base and flew to get the rest of them.
I made some calls and an aerial view of the place including ground penetration and thermal imaging of the area. The place looked like a maze. I felt dizzy just looking at it. I gave Adam the map and sat down to massage my head. I listened to him and the others deliberate on they are going to rescue these guys.
I got bored so I skyped Sembi and asked him where Diana was. He explained that she was chatting with Angel. They are deciding what to do on my birthday. I heard a small shriek. Sembi chuckled, "I am kidding." I heard tiny footsteps in rapid succession heading into the direction of the phone. He switch cameras to show me that Diana was so busy with the plans she didn't notice I was skyping.
I called out to her and she froze in her tracks. The sight was cute to look at. She looked like the most cutest bunny I had ever laid eyes on. She approached the phone slowly and asked, "Is it mommy?" He turned the phone around and I sent her a few flying kisses. She responded equally as well. Angel picked up the phone and he congratulated me on rescuing those people the VA is buzzing about it.
They joked that if I divorced Gunn they would happily ask me to marry. I forgot he was here. He snatched the phone and explained that he was not going anywhere. To he responded on time will tell. His temper is an issue with my family and if he persists then he will be removed. My family has the uncanny ability to remove things that have hurt me or Diana. He vowed to join anger management therapy.
I waited in the plane as they snuck in and got the others back. I did a headcount as they walked out of the plane. They all came back an hour and a half later with a few bumps and scratches and more POW with them. Some required immediate medical attention. The doctors went straight to work. The plane was so overfilled that some sat on the floor. When we reached the Army base people in the base came to help move the injured. And those who were able to talk gave their statements. And arrest warrants were sent to arrest the criminals. I got the prototypes back and it was sent back to the factory with the commentary from those who used it for improvement. After an hour in the Army base we left to go home.

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