You have a cool family

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I sat on the plane that was taking me home after I had beta tested a new weapon for the US Military. I was surrounded by men that I had rescued. GG called to remind me that Hannah Burkley's daughter will celebrate her first birthday. I told her I am making her an Alphabet book. I flaunted, "Everyone can say A for Apple. How many can say A for Angel Cake? B for Burger. C for Chocolate" The people on board started to laugh. I ignored them and continued, "Has Edge given tally on the weird signs on the street. I think Sasha is in the lead with the General View department while Sembi is winning in the Adult signs. I found one that almost made me laugh so hard that I almost peed. This was in the park, this sign was about social distance. According to the sign the distance between the two men is four pigeons." This caused the men to laugh out loud. GG and Hattie laughed too and they gave the phone to Diana. She wanted me to tell her a story. I told her Bat's favorite one. By the time I was done the men were laughing out loud. They looked like they will never look at me the same again.
Bats looked at me and asked,  "Remember what you promised me?" I smiled, "We watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and you said you wanted the weaponized Tartaruga Brothers Garbage truck for your birthday. I got clearance from the president because it will have no nuclear deterrent." Sasha poked her head, "I want to test it for roadworthiness. Benji and I will take it for a spin just to be sure." Diana whined, "Mommy was talking to me so move over" I smiled as Angel said hello and took Diana to her father.
Benji officially asked what was in this truck so I replied casually, "Humongous Nunchuks, Manhole covers that will shoot out like guided projectiles. A few arcade games some electrified net. Some other stuff too that is not in the movie" He smiled at me and promised to enjoy the road test. When I hung up one of the men said he wishes he was from my family. I told him we were the most ordinary family he will meet and he is better off with the one he was born in. He gave me a nod but I can tell he wanted to say more.
Benji was there to collect me and he asked me if I was going to take the flip car I built after watching the fast and the furious movie. I told him I was going to test it when the road is empty and I know a secluded area where there are no buildings. I asked him if he gave Lena the diamond earrings he bought and he said, "I left them in the bag." I asked him if he was planning to pickle them since he bought them last year. He smiled, "I am waiting for the day that we will fight and make up" I nod my head, "Smart man" I gave him a pat on the back as we hopped on his Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. The others watched me drive by and I waved at them with a smile. They smiled as they waved back. I had a feeling I just landed myself in trouble again.
The problem arrived at Senator Brown's party. The guy that wished he was from my family walked up to me and asked me to dance. I told him I just did and my feet hurt so I will pass. He refused to listen so I nod my head and he was talking to my security. He left after he gave me a dirty look. I was promised he will never come near me again. If only that were true. He followed me everywhere and I told him he is not my type. He said he can change and I told him that is the worst. He said a few profanities and one of the bystanders gave him a piece of mind. Benji arrived and he solved the issue with one phone call. I sat down to have lunch with him.

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