Can I?

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I came downstairs to see Edge having breakfast. He opened a plastic container and I asked to see the contents. The list was as follows. "Milk, Water, Butter, Milk protein, Emulsifying salts, Vegetable oils, salt, food stabilizer. Edge! What is the fertilizer doing on the kitchen table? Gail! Call the gardener and tell him that he left this here by accident." Edge calmly walked up to me and turned it around. The label says cream cheese. The Fudge! He smiled at me and tried to take it from my hand. I grabbed his ear and twisted it. I dragged him back to his seat and made cream cheese from scratch. He ate it delighted and complimented me. Gail was grinning ear to ear. So were the others as they watched us munch on breakfast.
I returned home after a meeting with the secretary of state to see that there was a pile of plastic containers. I shook my head to see the triplets were reading the label and deciding which pile each of these would go to. Most went to the gardener and the rest landed in the trash can. I sat down to figure out a modification to a stealth chute I was designer. I heard Diana walking with a skip with her step. She sat down with an ice cream cone.
Jace wasn't far behind her with a mischievous grin. He was hoping that we would abscond the Russian ballet. But I did that last year. He was hoping to impress his girlfriend. He had promised her he would do that. He wasn't a rich guy but likes to pretend that he is. I told him he is not invited because his actions has brought trouble. The security has complained so I am complying with their wishes. He gave me a sour face and asked me what I was doing this year. I honestly didn't know. This seemed to annoy him. He kept interrogating till Mary the cook pulled him out of the way. Jace was the friend of the cook. He seemed to forget that. Mary apologized and took him away.
Jace waited for us outside the Pier 25 Marina with his girlfriend. My yacht is kept away for the docks so that vagrants can't get in. Edge told security to move him aside so we can enjoy our day off. Jace made a scene and Ems was the one who proved to his girlfriend that he was a fake. She slapped him across the face and we asked if they could step aside we were getting late. Jace was insistent, "Hold on guys. Don't leave without me. I have planned my entire week around this trip." Finally, Hattie had enough of his drama so she called the harbormaster and he removed both of them.
We enjoyed the day sailing. We watched the color turn from aquamarine of blue to a deeper navy blue. Now we had to adjust the sail according to the wind. We watched as the waves crashed in rapid succession and the boat went up and down. We got to see dolphins and many different types of birds. When we reached Kings Marina and disembarked. Jace called Edge and asked where we were so he can join us. Edge hung up and shook his head. Jace kept calling Edge till he got annoyed and blocked his number.
We ate at Sue's Sunset House. We went sightseeing and took lots of pictures. We finally decided that we will go home. As predicted Jace was waiting for us. He demanded that we tell him what we did. I reminded him that he has a life so live it. Let the rest of us live ours. He wasn't listening to me. He kept asking till I asked security to move him away. A fight broke and we called the police. When they arrived he made a sob story. Ems had 'absentmindedly' recording the whole incident. So she proved he was lying. Jace was arrested and he was out of our line of sight for a while. I asked the guards to not let him in ever again. They promised to be vigilant.

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