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Hello everyone ! It's been a few weeks since I last updated but here we are

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Hello everyone ! It's been a few weeks since I last updated but here we are... again... and with another special awards ! I hope everyone had an amazing easter <3

To those who have participated in the carnival awards before, welcome back! I'm so happy that you decided to join me again and I wish you all the best of luck!

For those that are completely new here welcome! My name is Anna and I am the founder and host of the carnival awards !I can't wait to join you in your amazing journey <3 <3


Please read absolutely everything on the rules page so that there won't be any confusions or misunderstandings. Failure to follow the rules will result in an immediate elimination.



Open for applying: April 22
Maximum to apply: May 30

(if it gets full before that, I will close sooner and the judging process will be updated to a sooner date.)

Open for judging: May 30
Closed for judging: June 26

Winners announcement: June 30


The book limit for this awards is ONE. Unless I say otherwise.

This will ensure that the judging is fair and that all participant's can be recognized for their work.


In the last edition the read limit for a story was 10k For this edition I'm shrinking the limit. That way more undiscovered writers can get discovered and have a higher chance of winning. This time I am accepting books that have 8k reads, please do not sign up if your book is over the read limit.

Thank you all for understanding


Without further ado... please read the next chapter for the rules and follow them to participate.

* If you choose not to your story will not be included.*

If you have any questions please pm the awards account. I'm always happy to help!

- Anna (founder of TCA)

The Carnival Awards | Third EditionWhere stories live. Discover now