The Final End of TCA Third Edition

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The third edition has officially come to the end! If you didn't win anything this time don't worry, once the next award is posted you'll have another chance to shine.

I'm going to take another break for 2-3 months to focus on one of my books that I'm just itching to complete.

The next award will probably take place in September or October


If you have any feedback on how to make this community even better please comment


I'd love to hear your opinions, tips or even just general comments on what you liked most about this award.

To my carnival judge's;
A special mention to all of you will be posted in the next edition.

Carnival participant's;
If you haven't asked to see your scores/reviews yet please go ahead and send me a message containing your book title and genre.

Once again congratulations to all the winner's and goodluck to everyone who will be joining me in the next edition.

Enjoy your summer!

Much love
- Anna (Founder of TCA)

The Carnival Awards | Third EditionWhere stories live. Discover now