Judges Form

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You may be asked to judge some other genre you didn't put in your form

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You may be asked to judge some other genre you didn't put in your form.

It totally depends in each demand and who asked first for each genre. So please, give more than one option in your form and I will try my best that everyone can judge what they are more comfortable with.

If you judged in the the previous awards you do not have to apply again. Simply send me a message and I'll place you in the genre you want.


Genres that are available to judge:

Romance [FULL]
Chicklit [FULL]
Teen fiction [FULL]
New adult [FULL]
General fiction [FULL]
Thriller/mystery [FULL]
Poetry [FULL]
Short stories [FULL]
Fantasy [FULL]
🎡Science ficton
Adventure/action [FULL]
Fan fiction [FULL]
Horror [FULL]

The judges forms:

- Username
- How many groups would you like to judge?

- Which genres you would like to judge
(You can also ask to judge more than one genre if you would like too, you just can't judge the same genre that you applied your story in.)

- Do you have any experience with judging in book awards? (It doesn't matter if you don't, I will help you in anyway I can.)

- Do you have any content you are not comfortable reading?

- Please, give a small reason to why you would like to be a judge


Please comment the form
[ HERE ]

I have opened a group chat on instagram specifically for the judge's. This is totally your choice if you don't want to join you don't have too. If you do please send me a private message.

Once you start to read and judge please vote on each chapter, that way if participants don't win, they'll still get a little something from this award. Leaving comments is optional.

Lastly, each judge will read 5 books and will have their own group to judge. The books under your username will be your group.

I'm only asking for the judges to read the first 5 chapters of each book.


Each judge will have this rubric to guide you as you judge each story.

The judges must send the criteria to the awards email.
(Spelled with 2 l's)

What the email must contain:

1- The judge's user
2- The author's user
3- The story title
4-The rubrics with the corrects points and a complete feedback
5- the genre the book is in

[Criteria for stories]
- Title 0/5

- Blurb 0/10
- Cover 0/10
- Fits the genre 0/5
- Grammar 0/10
- Originality 0/10
- Setting 0/10
- Character development 0/10
- Writing style 0/10
- Plot 0/20


[Criteria for poetry]
(Do not judge books from other genres with this criteria!)

- Book title 0/10
- Chapter titles 0/10
- Cover 0/10
- Grammar 0/10
- Content 0/10
- Imagery 0/15
- Originality 0/15
- Choice of words 0/20


🎡Please remember the numbers each criteria falls under. 🎡

Lastly, there is a date and a due date when the judging process begins and ends. If by any chance the group you've been assigned is filled up please begin judging as soon as you can. I will notify you once everything has been filled up.

This way you won't be racing to finish your books when the due date closes in on us. Last time lots of judges bailed last minute leaving the other judges and myself racing to complete books.

An example of what this award is looking for from a judge;

An example of what this award is looking for from a judge;

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Please use this example to help guide you in judging. I want every participant here to get feedback that will help change their story into something better.

I trust all of you will judge fairly and please do not accept bribes. If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.

- Anna (founder of TCA)

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