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Please read everything before signing up

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Please read everything before signing up. If you choose not to follow the rules your book will be removed from the award.


1. Please follow this account TheCarnivalCommunity 
(Both participant's and judge's must follow this account.

2. Do a shout out on your board

3. Add this book to your private reading list so you can get all the updates.

4. Follow the judge for your genre permanently. (Your book will be disqualified if you don't follow this rule once judging starts.)

5. You must tag five or more people to spread the word!

6. Your book must have 5 chapter's to judge.

7. Please add this book to a public reading list to promote the contest.

8. All stories must be in English.
Please note; if your story is mostly in english but features another language (where you provide the translations) I will accept it.

8. Poetry entries must have three chapter's. Short story entries must have at least one chapter. (Please do not sign up in the short stories genre with a novel. Short stories are meant for a one chapter story.)

9. Password: your favorite movie or Tv show.

10. You are only allowed to enter ONE book. Please do not enter more then one book, that way there are more chances for someone to win a prize in different places.

11. Let me know if you made these big changes; a new title or if you changed your username.
(I am saying this now because in the second edition lots of participants didn't notify me and I had to remove their books from the awards completely because I couldn't find them.)

12. Do not enter a book that has more than 8k reads.

🎡Rules for judge's only;🎡

- Please remember to judge using the right criteria points.

- Once you start judging you will have to vote on each chapter you read. Comments are optional.

- Please be active on wattpad when the time comes to start judging.

- Do not sign up to be a judge only to bail later. If you bail at the last minute you will be banned from this community. (You won't be able to sign up as a participant or judge after you get banned.)

- Please look at the example I will provide for a judged book. Last time lots of judges didn't give any feedback and lots of participants didn't know where they lost most of their points.

- Judge fairly even if it means giving a good book a lower mark because they missed some spelling errors.
(I will provide an example of how all participant's should be judged. Please ensure that you judge exactly how it says in the example.)

The example will be provided in the chapter for the judges.

Please make sure to follow all the right guidelines. I want every single participant here to get a fair score and amazing feedback.


Thank you all for understanding. If you have any questions please pm this awards account!

- Anna (founder of TCA)

The Carnival Awards | Third EditionWhere stories live. Discover now