The End

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Before y'all jump to see the winner's page's I'd like to just take a moment and thank you guy's for participating in the third edition Carnival awards.

It's been rough ride this time around and like in the other editions I learned from my mistakes.

You have my sincere apologies for the hiccups in judge changes. Lots of judges bailed in this award but thanks to some amazing people we finished judging on time!

A huge thank you to all the last minute judges who helped me judge a ton of books last minute. Trust me your help was a blessing from above and I can't thank you enough for taking the time to judge last minute stories! <3

Please give a round of applause to these amazing human beings!⭐




Every person here has a unique talent of forming words into pictures. Writing is not an easy task...nay nay its hard! Imagination is key and writers block is a real thing!

In my awards I ask my judge's to give a full score and review so that you, as an author can look back and fix what needs fixing to make your story even better.

If you want your full results and feedback send me a private message here on wattpad and I'll gladly send them to you. If for some reason I'm not replying fast enough for you feel free to message your judges and they can send your scores.

Much love
- Anna (founder of TCA)

The Carnival Awards | Third EditionWhere stories live. Discover now