Official Judging Stage

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It's May 30 which means that the judging stage of this award has offically started.

If I missed anyone's form please let me know. If I accepted your book and haven't added it to a judge I will personally judge your book.

Humor Participant's;
I only had 2 participants sign up for this genre which means sadly, that humor will not be a part of the third edition. I hope that in the next award more people sign up for humor.

Please let me know if participants from your group haven't followed you yet. Since it is a rule, participants must follow their judge otherwise their book will be removed from this award.

Your due date is June 26. All of your results and feedback must be sent in by this date. For more information please look through the judges chapter in this award.

Mini Awards:
Winners will be posted in the next week or so. I planned on announcing last week but something came up and now I'm behind scedule. Please stay patient with me <3

Thank you and good luck to all participant's!

- Anna (founder of TCA)

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