Chapter 25: Eves Kidnapped.

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Once the Servamps had calmed down they all thought of a plan to save their lovers.

"We have to save them😫!" Hyde who was annoyed by the silence that filled the living room.

"We know Hyde😔." Tsubaki replied gently.

"But how do we know where they are😞?" Hugh asked from where he were he sat on the floor beside Jeje.

"We can sense them through our contracts.😒" Kuro replied.

"Plus this is our lovers exs that work with C3 we are talking about. Where do you think they took our lovers🤨?" Tsubaki added.

"C3's base back in Tokyo😲💢!" Freya exclaimed, once she figured out where Tsubaki was thinking from.

"Let's head back to Tokyo😤!" Lidio exclaimed impatiently and they all headed away to pack when they heard a scream and Alex and Lucky were gone.

*With the Eves around the same time*

The Eves had indeed been taken back to the C3's base in Tokyo.

Mahiru awoke😶. He looked around and realized he was in a cell with only two small bared windows which looked into the two cells on either side of his cell. He stood and quickly approached the door to his cell which had a small bared window. "Licht😰?" Mahiru heared a groan.

"Yeah🤔?" Licht responded from the cell next to him.

"Mikuni🤔😱?" Misono called from the cell opposite Mahiru's cell.

"I'm fine, Misono☺😅." Mikuni replied from the other cell next Mahiru.

Iduna, who was in the cell opposite Licht's cell next joined in the conversation "Where are we🤔😱?"

"Jail😑?" Niccolo which was in the cell opposite Mikuni's cell suggested.

"C3😲!" Sakuya yelled from the cell next to Licht.

Mikuni's voice broke the silence "Could be...😱" but was cut off by Misono who shouted. "Tetsu you okay🤔😱?"

But there was no answer.

Mahiru panicked "Anyone see Tetsu😟😱?"

There was a grunt, then Iduna replied "Yeah. He is in the cell next to mine, opposite Sakuya's cell. I can make him out from the window between our cells.☺"

Mahiru, Misono, and Licht sighed with relief😌.

"I'm okay☺." Came the voice of Tetsu.

Misono broke the next lot of silence by asking. "Can anyone get out🤔?"

Mahiru who was sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall the separated him from Mikuni replied. "No. Plus my broom🧹 is gone.💢"

Mikuni started sobbing😭. "Abel. My lead is gone😱💢😭!"

Misono replied drowsy. "My chair🪑 lead is gone😱!"

Niccolo banged against the door. "They took my gun🔫 lead 😡😤!"

Tetsu was sitting on the floor drawing in the dust. "So is my coffin⚰ lead.😡"

Licht was not at all happy💢💢💢 and while he kicked his cell's door he yelled, "STUPUD C3 TOOK MY BOOTS👢👢! I'LL KILL THEM☠! NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE TAKES MY BOOTS AND GETS AWAY WITH IT. ONLY THE HEDGEHOG🦔 GETS AWAY WITH IT ONLY BECAUSE I LOVE🧡 HIM!🤬🤬"

All the Eves sweatdropped😅.

*Mahiru's mind*: Marvelous job on making Licht angry!😅👏

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