Chapter 44: The big day.

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It was 9:00 when the Eves woke up to their Servamps who were sleeping next to them. After breakfast everyone got dressed.

The Sloth pair were first to leave. Their destination was a quiet park next to a beautiful waterfall. The arch had beautiful blue flowers. Kuro was shocked, but happy. The two held hands before walking down to the waiting priest, who also was dressed in blue.

The next pair to leave were the Greed pair. They went to the china opera house. Hyde was as shocked as Kuro was. The long carpet was white and the stage had been decorated like they were about to walk up to heaven. Hyde laughed, which made Licht smile. Hyde hugged Licht. "I never thought this day would come!" Licht hugged back.

"If you could have married 'her' way back then, would you have?" Hyde looked confused until he got the message.

"You mean Ophelia? I don't know. But that's in the past and you are my future. I think Ophelia would be happy that I'm happy. She would have wanted me to move on and... Licht are you okay?" Hyde placed a hand on Licht's cheek and lifted his face up to see Licht crying.

Hyde immediately hugged Licht. "I'm sorry I made you cry!"

Licht chuckled. "Its okay!"


Licht looked over Hyde's shoulder to see the spirit of Ophelia standing behind him. Licht opened his mouth to speak.

'No need to speak Licht. Just listen. I'm very happy for Hyde. I couldn't make him happy back then even though I knew he loved me. But now he can start over. Please make him happy Licht. You have my blessings. I'll see you in heaven, angel of music.'

Then Ophelia disappeared.

Licht smiled and kissed Hyde and grabbed Hyde's hand and lead the happy vampire up to where the priest was happily waiting dressed in a nice orange.

Lily and Misono's destination was a beautiful rose gardens. The arch was decorated with pink roses. Lily like his brothers was speechless then hugged Misono. "Lily? What's wrong?"

Lily gave Misono a quick kiss. "I'm fine Misono. It's just that I'm so happy!" Misono smiled as he lead the way to the arch with the priest standing underneath.

Mikuni and Jeje went to a church. It had been decorated with purple decorations. Jeje was so overjoyed. By the end he and Mikuni were crying.

Sakuya and Tsubaki ended up at the local amusement park. Tsubaki had lots of fun. After the ceremony he and Sakuya went on lots of rides for free.

Tetsu and Hugh got married at the hot springs that Tetsu owned. Then the two spent the afternoon relaxing in the hot pools.

The Season Servamps had gone back to the house.

The Winter pair had gotten married  at a animal national park.

The Autumn pair had gotten married at the ruins of an old castle.

The Summer pair got married in the museum and the Spring pair got married at a temple.

The Wrath pair went to a nice beach to get married.

Then spent the afternoon at the beach relaxing.

And as for the Gluttony pair. .
No one knew where they went.

All the pairs spent the next day in the local hotel having fun.

Then just before 10pm they all returned to the house to celebrate with a big and delicious feast.

Then they gathered their things, said goodbye to the Luna, Alex, Lucky, and Luka, who were gonna stay and look after the house.

After a lot of hugging the others left for the airport and got onto the plane to go back home.

Meanwhile everyone back home was getting ready for the homecoming of their friends and family.

Meanwhile some where in Tokyo, deep in the C3 base some certain exs were not very happy.








It was around 11:00 when the plane landed in Tokyo. The Eves decided that it was too late to head home.

"Why don't we call home and tell them, Mikuni?" Misono asked Mikuni, who was happily cuddling his new husband.

"And tell them we are back? They'll just come right over here and start yelling. You want that?" Mikuni answered.

Misono walked over to Lily, who had been watching from where he sat on the sofa.

"So we stay the night here and go see them tomorrow." Mahiru said walking in with Kuro in his animal form on his shoulder.

"And that's a good thing because we can get ready to face yelling and being squeezed to death." Licht joined in from where he was lying on his bed next to Hyde.

"Right! Licht, that's a good point." Sakuya said from where he was sitting below the windowsill where Tsubaki sat.

"Well I'm heading to bed. I want lots of energy for tomorrow!" Tetsu announced before leaving the room to the room he was sharing with Sakuya.

One by one the Eves went to bed.

(That's all for this chapter. Sorry it's so short. I promise the next chapter will be longer.)

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