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3Weeks later. . .


"JAACCOOBBB!" I yelled for him.

"Huh? Oh crap. Baby what's wrong?"

"I don't know. Can you drive me to Walgreens?" I asked getting up.

"Yeah, C'mon." He helped me down the stairs and we got into my grandmothers car. She went on a business trip and left it here for me to use.

After a few minutes we arrived at Walgreens.

"You want me to come in?" Jacob asked.

"Uhh, no thanks. I'll be right back." I walked inside of the store and went to the candy section. "Oh Doritos." I grabbed a bag and started walking down the aisle. Then I grabbed what I came here for in the first place. I went to the checkout and paid for it. Then I went back to the car.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess." Then we made our way back to my house. I went straight to the bathroom and did what I had to do. I paved back and forth thinking about the future. Then I picked up the stick. It had a '+' sign. (A/N-Aaliyah wasn't supposed to get pregnant but Meenna said she should.) oh fuck. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK!

"Jacob." I knew I wasn't calling loud enough for him to hear.

"Jac-" My voice cracked.

"Aaliyah, you okay?"

"Can you come here please." He popped his head in the door. As soon as I saw his face I burst into tears. "Aww baby what's wrong?" He came over to me. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't. So I pointed to the stick. He slowly got up and looked at it. But he didn't say any words. I cried even more.


Aaliyah. Is. Pregnant. With. My. Child.

"Aaliyah didn't we use a- nope" I cut myself off. My first time and I make a big mistake. As I looked at Aaliyah she was bawling her eyes out. I sat next to her.

"Hey, don't cry, your gonna stress yourself out and that'll be bad for the baby." She lifted up her head and looked at me in my eyes.

"Jacob, what are we gonna do!?" She asked still crying.

"Aaliyah, I don't know. But, are future a baby will make us grow up. Really fast." She cried her eyes out even more. So I picked her up and carried her to her bed.

"I'll be right back." I left and walked to my house. I opened the door and weed filled my nose.

"Momma!" I called out.

"I'm in my room." I walked up the stairs. I opened her bedroom door and she was laying on her bed watching tv.

"Momma, I have to tell you something. Aaliyah. She's-" I swallowed a lump in my throat. "Pregnant, with my child." My mom's gaze went from the tv to my eyes.

"Jacob. If Aaliyah has this child you better take care of it. I don't care how much responsibility it is. From now on Aaliyah and that unborn child is your responsibility. No if ands or buts about it. Do you understand?" I nodded. "Jacob listen, I am disappointed in you. You have so much potential but a baby is going to mess things up. But if she goes through with this you have to step up and become a man. Your not a little boy anymore, you have to take responsibility. Now come give me a hug." I hugged her. "Okay, let's go to Aaliyah's house so I can talk to her." My mom said. I nodded and hopped in the passenger seat. Although her house was just around the corner my mom wanted to drive.

I opened the door and led my mom up to where Aaliyah was. To my surprise she was eating her Doritos watching tv.

"Someone's feeling better." I said

"A little. Jacob I thought you were gonna leave me. But I had to tell you right when I knew or it was gonna hunt me until the day I have to tell you." She pulled me in for a hug.

"I would never leave you. Although I did tell my mom and I brought her here to talk to you." I called my mom in and her and Aaliyah kicked me out if the room for some girl talk. I went down to the basement and laid on the bed. After a few minutes I was knocked out.

3Weeks later


I have now told my grandmother about my pregnancy. My family doesn't believe in Abortion so that was out of the window. She told me she was very disappointed in me and that this is a big load of responsibility and if I keep this baby I have to make sure I take care of it. But she was actually happy knowing she was gonna be a 'Great Grandmother' and was gonna have the child call her 'GG'. So today Jacob and I are going to the doctors.

A car beeped from outside. I looked out the window and saw Jacob's new Range Rover his mom,aunt, and uncle all pitched in to buy him as a gift for the future Baby Shower. I went down the stairs and hopped in.

"You two ready?" Jacob asked liking happier than ever.

"Yes we aree." We drove to the doctors office and checked in.

"So do we find out the sex yet?" Jacob asked.

"Nope, not yet." I laughed as his face turned into a frown.

"Aaliyah Moore." The doctor called. We got up and made our way over there.

"Aww, the picture perfect couple, this baby will be adorable." The doctor complimented.

"Thank you. When do we find out the sex of the baby." I nudged Jacob.

"Jacob, you just asked that." I said.

"I know I just want to know really bad." He answered.

"Well, you will be able to find out the sex of the child in 3-4 weeks. Your next doctors appointment."

He smiled like the MadHatter and kept following the doctor. We arrived at the room and I was told to lay down and pull my shirt up. I did as told and they put some cold gel on my stomach and started rubbing a tool around on it. I looked at Jacob and his face looked like he just won a million bucks. He was going to be the perfect father. As the day proceeded Jacob and I went to Chili's to have dinner. All went as planned and afterwards we went to the park.

"Aaliyah, I am so happy your the one carrying my child. I will always be there for you and our child." He lifted up my shirt and kissed my stomach.

"Aww, I love you Jacob Perez."

"I love you too Aaliyah Perez." Then his lips crashed onto mine. It felt like the world stopped spinning just for us. He picked me up once again and took me to his car. We drove to the hotel where we made this creation inside of my stomach and went to the room .

"Let's go swimming." Jacob said.

"I don't have my swimsuit."

"Check the closet." I opened the closet and found a suitcase. When I opened it it had all sorts of clothes.

"When'd you go and get my stuff?"

"I didn't, your grandma dropped it off for me. She said you needed some time to relax so there you go and you can go down to the spa tomorrow while I sleep." I ran to him and hugged him.

"Best boyfriend ever."

"And husband material." He added and winked at me.

4Weeks Later . . . .


Today is the day I get to find out what gender my child is. I'm so excited. I love kids and I wish we can have plenty more because this baby is going to come out beautiful! I picked up Aaliyah and Meenna because she wanted to come to this one.

"Aaliyah Moore." The doctor from a few weeks ago called. We all got up and walked in.

"So you guys ready to find out the sex of the baby?" The doctor asked. We all nodded.

"Okay seems like" the doctor looked at the screen. "It's a Girl!"


Not updating anymore till like Saturday. Happy New Year! Bye. *Puts Peace sign up.*

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