Chapter Eight

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LAFAYETTE AND I stand in George's classroom as we wait for George to come back from a teacher's meeting. Lafayette insisted on making sure George knew where we were so he wouldn't panic while I argued that we really didn't. So, now we stand in front of his empty desk, his desk chair pulled back slightly with papers scattered over the wooden desk along with pens and highlighters and Sharpies. I see a framed photograph of the four of us next to his computer. A family portrait of the Washington family. Martha on the right side of George with her head on his shoulder and a small, gentle smile on her face. George on her left, with an arm around her waist, his cheek on top of her head. Fourteen-year-old me stands in front of Martha with a smile on my face and my arms behind my back, my chest puffed out as Martha has her hand on my shoulder and sixteen-year-old Lafayette standing in front of George with his arms clasped behind his back as well while George has his hand on Lafayette's shoulder. I smile a little at the framed portrait of us all together. I hear a soft, tender knock on the wooden door. 

I whip my head around over my shoulder and so does Lafayette as we watch the door swing open, hoping it's George himself but only to find...Laurens? In the doorway. He holds a white sheet of copy paper in his hands as he pokes his head through the cracked doorframe. I arch an eyebrow with surprise. 

 "Oh! Alex!" Laurens says with a small smile on his face as he fully steps into view, his paper still clutched in his hand, his bag slung across his back. "Hey!" 

 "Hi," I say as he walks into the room. He stands a few inches away from Lafayette, who narrows his eyes at Laurens, a slight twisted scowl on his face as he slings his arm around me, squeezing my shoulder protectively. I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes at my brother. 

 "What are you doing here?" Laurens wonders, tilting his head a little. 

 "Oh, we just wanted to let George know where we were heading off too," I explain. "Even though we didn't because school's over and he knows students are leaving already. But this one insisted." I jab my thumb at Lafayette. Laurens looks to my left to find Gilbert de Lafayette standing before him. His eyes widen slightly as they meet my brother's. Laurens smiles hesitantly, almost nervously as he clears his throat and extends his hand out while he clutches the paper under his arm. 

 "You must be Lafayette," he says. "John Laurens. I'm a friend of Alex's. A pleasure to meet you." 

 Lafayette eyes Laurens warily, and makes a gruntled noise as he shakes Laurens's hand. Laurens winces slightly but his tense expression on his face relaxes when Lafayette's grip on his hand releases. 

 "Yes," Lafayette says with a nod. "I am Lafayette. Alex's older brother. A pleasure to meet you as well, Laurens. And please, call me Gil or Laf." 

 "Right," Laurens agrees. "Then call me John." 

 "So," I say, interrupting the conversation as I clear my throat. I turn my attention from my brother to my friend. "What are you doing here, John? Shouldn't you be on the bus or something?" 

 He shrugs and scratches the back of his neck. "Oh, that um...well...I wanted to see if Mr. Washington was here. I keep forgetting to turn in my English essay so I might as well turn it in now before I forget about it again." Laurens pauses as he scans the empty classroom for George before his blue eyes land on my violet ones again. "Um...where is Mr. Washington by the way?" 

 "He's at a teacher conference meeting thing," I answer, folding my arms over my chest. "He should be back in a few minutes."

 Laurens nods. "Oh." 

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