Chapter Twenty-Seven

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LAURENS DRIVES ME home later that night. He had one hand on the steering wheel while his other hand was intertwined with mine. I had called George to let him know I was on my home and that I'm perfectly fine. After a while of conversating with George, I hang up and tuck the phone back into the cupholder. I smile widely at Laurens's intertwined hand, his thumb brushing the back of my knuckles. My small smile, however, fades a little into a frown as I stare up at Laurens's eyes. His blue eyes sparkle against the moonlight shining above us. My frown shifts back into a small smile as I shift a little closer to him in my seat. Laurens glances at me over his shoulder and chuckles through his nose before turning his attention back to the road in front of him. 

 "Jack?" I whisper, staring blankly up at the skyscrapers, flashing their bright advertisements against the side of the steel buildings towering over us.

 Laurens glances at me sideways. "Mhm?"

 I chew my bottom lip, glancing back down at our hands. I squeeze his hand tightly. "What are we?"

 Laurens frowns, quirking an eyebrow and shifting his body towards me when we reach a stoplight. He tilts his head a little. 

 "What do you mean, Alex?" Laurens asks. 

 "Us...?" I whisper. "What...what are we, John? We haven't even begun the two-week journey and we're already...well..." I gesture with my head towards our hands. 

 The light ahead of us turns green and Laurens gently presses the gas pedal, moving us forward. Laurens presses his lips together, his brows furrowing with thoughtfulness. But then his frown shifts into a small smile. 

 "Well," Laurens says. "Whatever you want us to be, Alex." 

 "What do you want us to be, Jack?" I ask, arching an eyebrow challengingly at him.

 He laughs through his nose, shaking his head. "You're never going to stop calling me Jack, are you?" 

 I shake my head. "Nope." 

 "Mhm," Laurens hums. He strokes my knuckles with the pad of his thumb. "Well. I want us to be something more, Alexander." 


 He nods. "Yes. More." 

 We sit in silence on our way home. After a few more minutes, we pull up to the apartment. Laurens parks his car and swallows as he shifts in his seat to face me. He smiles gently when I turn to look at him, returning the soft smile. Laurens brushes back a loose auburn lock behind my ear and cradles my jaw in his palm.

 "I'll see you tomorrow," Laurens whispers. "Yeah?"

 I laugh, nodding. "Yeah. Tomorrow." 

 He clenches my hand in his a little bit tighter. "Tomorrow." 

 Reluctantly, Laurens releases my hand when I start to climb out of the car. I pause for a moment before shutting the door, my brows furrowed together with thought. 

 "You want to come in?" I offer, shrugging a shoulder and nodding my head towards the front door with an eyebrow raised. Laurens eyes me suspiciously, a small smirk on his face, both eyebrows raised. He tilts his head. 

 "You want me to come in?" he repeats. 

 I nod. He hesitates, checking the time on the radio before glancing back up at me. He frowns. 

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