Chapter Ten

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"OKAY, WHAT THE hell was that?" Laurens demands while I swing my locker door open. I think I'm getting used to the lock and the combination. Even though it is just only my second day here at King's High. I arch an eyebrow as I glance over my shoulder to lock eyes with Laurens. He doesn't look happy. 

 "What was what?" I say, playing dumb. 

 "You were flirting with her, Alexander," Laurens snaps, folding his muscular arms over his chest as he crosses his ankles over each other. He raises an eyebrow as he looks down at me. 

 "So? You don't even like her! What's the point?" I deadpan.

 "She's my girlfriend, Alexander!" Laurens growls.

 I fight the urge to roll my eyes so instead, I just heave a sigh through my nose as I stuff my textbooks inside my locker.

 "No, she isn't, John," I say. "Your father forced you to date her because according to you, he thinks it will cure you." 

 "That's not the point Alexander," Laurens says. "The point is she's still my friend."

 "Look, Jack," I say. I notice he winces at the nickname. I frown slightly, my brows furrowing together but I shrug it off. "Can we not argue about this right now? Why don't we argue about this after school? I have a lot of things to worry about, and you aren't one of them." 

 I slam my locker door shut, twisting the lock back and forth a few times before slinging my bookbag over my shoulder and turning to face Laurens. I press my lips together and felt my freckled cheeks warm up with triumph. I clutch my English textbooks close to my chest, waiting for Laurens to make an argument. He just narrows his icy, cold blue eyes at me and scowl. He looks like he wants to say something, I can see his eyes flickering up and down, his lip twitching, but he just can't seem to get the words out. I make a scoffing noise before walking past him, brushing my shoulder against his as I pat his shoulder before walking down the hall. 

 "No, seriously, Alexander," Laurens says, jogging up beside me. I feel him grab my elbow to pull me back slightly. I roll my eyes this time, sighing heavily. "Why'd you do that? What the hell was that all about?!" 

 I shrug. "It was nothing, John. I was just being polite and introducing myself to her."

 "By flirting with her," Laurens says. 

 I roll my eyes again. "Would you calm down? I'm not going to hit on her or anything. I just met her!" 

 "Well, you know what they say," Laurens grumbles. "Love at first sight." 

 I whack his arm with the back of my hand. "Shut it! Calm down! Trust me, John. I'm not ready for dating! Flirting and using my charms is just you say...? Trait...I inherited from my mother. But other than that, I was just being polite so would you calm the eff down?" Except I don't say "eff". I say what it stands for. 

 Laurens sighs, his tense shoulders slumping a little. "Fine. But we're not done here. See you in Bio, Hamilton." 

 I watch him walk away from me, his back facing me and his arms are still crossed over his chest. I stand there in the middle of the crowded, claustrophobic hallway with my jaw hanging open slightly and my eyes narrowed after him. Students walk around me, chatting with their friends or boyfriends or girlfriends, some bumping into me and nearly making me stumble forward over my shoelaces. 

 "You alright?" says a deep, male voice from behind me.

 I yelp with surprise, jumping up in place and spin around on my heels to face a teenage boy with dark black eyes that twinkle against the fluorescent light above us and pale skin with silky, raven black hair smoothed to the side. He has an angular face with sharp cheekbones and jawline. He has a hooked nose like mine and his thin lips are pressed together. His brows are knitted towards each other as he narrows his eyes at me with worry and concern, a crease forming in his forehead as he tilts his head to one, broad muscular shoulder. He's naturally lean and muscular and quite handsome. His hand is on my shoulder.

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