Chapter Thirty-Seven

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MY HEART STOPS beating instantly. I stare at Mr. Laurens before us with wide, fearful violet eyes, my mouth parted half-way as my surprised and shocked gasp comes to a sudden stop. I grip John's hand tighter than I already have been. I don't take my eyes off of Mr. Laurens's. 

No one moves a muscle. 

 No one says a word. 

 John grips my hand and schools his fearful features. He swallows thickly, setting his jaw and leveling his gaze with Mr. Laurens before us. He squares his shoulders and scowls. I glance back and forth between Mr. Laurens and John, holding my breath, bracing for Mr. Laurens's outbursts and insults. 

 "John," Mr. Laurens says flatly after about fifteen minutes of tense silence between the three of us, his expression blank. John swallows nervously and lets out a nervous breath, never taking his eyes off of his father. He pinches his lips together.

 "Father," John says quietly, yet flatly at the same time. No emotion in his voice betrays him. 

 "Care to explain who the hell this is?" Mr. Laurens growls, nodding his head towards me. I swallow. "He looks oddly like Alexandrea. Wouldn't you agree?" 

 John's blue eyes flicker towards me but his face remains straight towards Mr. Laurens. 

 "Yes," John whispers shakily. He swallows again. "He does." 

 "Mind telling me who the hell this is and why you were kissing him? In public?" Mr. Laurens hisses. John bites his lip and glances back and forth between Mr. Laurens and I, hesitating. 

 "Um...Dad...this is um...this is...this is..." 

 "Just tell me, John, we don't have all day," Mr. Laurens snaps. 

 "This is Alexander," John whispers. "And he's...he's..."

 "He's what?" John glances at me hesitantly. I close my eyes and nod once before slowly reopening them. John sighs defeatedly as he turns to glance at his father. "My boyfriend," John squeaks. "He's...he's my boyfriend."

 It's dead silent around the booth. I can tell Mr. Laurens is seething. He scowls, his nose scrunching up and his eyes narrowing down at the both of us, pinning us to our spots. Neither of us move. I notice, though, that Mr. Laurens's eye twitches slightly and his fingers twitch as well by his sides. 

 "Boyfriend?!" Mr. Laurens shrieks, causing some customers to stop their conversations and turn to us. I wince as Mr. Laurens bangs his fist against the edge of the table. "Boyfriend?!" 

 "Are you deaf? Do I need to repeat it again?" John says, 

 Mr. Laurens growls behind closed lips. "You ungrateful boy! Such a disgrace you are!" 

 John closes his eyes and I grip his hand tighter than before. A pause. And then— 

 "You lied to me," Mr. Laurens whispers scarily. I flinch. "You lied to your own father." A pause. "You lied to ME!"

 John doesn't say anything, nor do I. 

 "You—" Mr. Laurens jabs his finger at me. "Get. Out." 

 John's bright blue eyes widen. "What?!" 

 "Get out!" Mr. Laurens snaps, ignoring his son. "I don't want you near my son ever again do you hear me?!" 

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