𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻 - 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎💋

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Win's POV


I excused myself to Bright. As my friends Khaotung and JJ, Asked me to call them.

I can see how the way he became jealous when I was, let's just say flirting for a bit with Chaem.

[Hello? Win? How are you?] Khaotung asked

"I'm fine guys. Chill!"

[How could we chill? Ever since you ran away from your own wedding you never called or even texted. Aunt and uncle were so worried about you. Even Prim was] JJ scolded me

"I'm fine really, How is Prim by the way?"

[She is Fine. She thanked you though] Khaotung said

"Wait what?"

[We've found out that she didn't want to marry you too. Remember the girl you introduced to us on our Faculty when we were still in 4th year? I think her name is Love?] Khaotung added

"Yeah, and what about her?" I asked curiously

[Well she and Prim was in a relationship] JJ said

"Wait! They were? So Prim was into girls after all"

[Yeah, well enough of those matters. Let's talk about you. Where are you?]

"Umm... somewhere in Chiang Mai"

[And with whom?] Wait! How do they know that I'm not alone?

"Err... With Bright. Do you guys already knew?"

[We did]


[Bright's bestfriend and Bestman on his wedding, Off. He told us everything]

"Great" I sarcastically remarked

[Okay, so tell us what did you guys do? Did you already talk it out?]

"Well.... He already did. But he thinks that I'm mad at him to what happened to us"

[So... What did you do?]

"I- I tried to seduce him"

[You what??!]

"It's just a cue for him to stop thinking that I'm still mad at him"

[Bro, just stop seducing him. It's a ridiculous way to make him see what he's been wanting to see]

Suddenly, the door went banged as I was just about to hang up to my friends. And a very Frustrated Bright barged in.

[What's happening? Are you alright?] The two of them said

"I'll call you guys l-later" I said

Damn it! Why am I trembling?! Is it because of him knowing the plan I made or is it because of how intensely he was looking at me.

"F-for how long have you been s-standing outside?" I Asked and he had no reply. He's just looking at me while his fist deeply clenched.

"I- I think we should get back to eating" I changed the topic and prayed that he would buy it. So, I started to walk away.

But then, he was faster to grab my hand and pin me hardly to the wall. I groaned in pain.

"Is it fun? Taking me for a fool?!" He shouted at me in a so much manly voice.

"Is it? Answer me!" He said getting his face so much closer to mine

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