𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿 - 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚐𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 💕

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Bright's POV

I was over the moon.

I'm so happy knowing that Win is pregnant and I'm going to be a dad. To my happiness, I gave him a light kiss on the lips.

I didn't broke it for sometime because I don't want this moment to end.

I want to savour this moment

After awhile, I broke the kiss and took the opportunity to hug this person in front of me. After that, I kissed him on the forehead.

"I love you" I truthfully said

"I love you more.." he answered honestly

"I love you most..." I blurted out warmly

This truly is the best birthday gift ever!

This truly is the best birthday gift ever!

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We gone to the nearby restaurant and ate. We also gone straight to our room after.

Right now, I just finished taking a bath I saw Win looking through one of my photo albums. I think he got it from one of my bags. He hasn't noticed me getting out of the shower yet.

I slid my hand through his belly and rubbed it. He looked at me and smiled. He also put his hand to where my hand is.

"I still can't believe we are a family now" I said and kissed his cheek

"Me too" he said while still looking at my album

"You looked so handsome when you were still a kid. Who knows maybe our child would look like you as well." He said and I chuckled

"I'm still handsome til now, aren't I?" I teased. He just glared at me playfully

"tomorrow we'll buy your maternal milk" i said and he nodded

He closed the album and I carefully scooted him on my arms closer and cuddle him as I put and rubbed my hand on his belly.

"Babe, i think i'm hungry again.." He shyly admitted. I just chuckled.

"What do my babies like to eat?" I asked sweetly

"Umm.... Nuts and yogurt" he answered cutely

"Alright, i think we still have some mixed nuts in the fridge. As for the yogurt, i'll go buy it on the nearby store. It's still not that dark outside. Just wait for me here" i said as i grabbed my wallet and was about to head out when a pair of hands slid through my waist. Win also put his head on my shoulder while back hugging me.

"babe, how can i buy your snack if you won't let me go?" i said while chuckling

"Can i go with you?" He asked charmingly. I took his hand and hugged him on the front. I looked at him with soft eyes.

"Babe, not now. You know your condition, it's very risky to go out especially in the time of a night like this" i said and he pouted.

So cute.

"Aww....Come on, I'll be back in just a few minutes." I said and hugged him. he's still pouting.

"Promise?" He said cutely

"Yes" I answered and he smiled.

I heard about a saying that Pregnant people are always moody. Guess that's why he's being like this.

After that, I kissed his forehead and left.

(Morning comes....)

I woke up in a daze state. I still can't believe up until now that I'm going to be a dad very soon. It's still a beautiful memory from yesterday.

"Humm...." Win hummed softly as he softly woke up from the bed.

Grrr! Grrr!

My phone kept ringing and even though I was too lazy to pick it up I had to.

I carefully got out of the bed and gone to the terrace. I looked at the caller's ID and it was Off.


[Congratulations bro! I saw your post on twitter, why didn't you tell me you both have already reconcile?] Off greeted and scold me at the same time

"Hey, relax. Thank you and sorry I didn't tell you. I just wanted to spend all my time with Win. That's all" I honestly said


[Also, when will be the wedding?]

I went silent for awhile. Why didn't I even think of that? So stupid.

[Hello Bright? Don't tell me you still haven't think of it yet] Off said

"Well of course I did... But it's been awhile"

[What do you mean? Don't you have any plans of marrying Win?]

"No, of course not. I have been dreaming of marrying him one day and you know that. But it's just that it's really complicated right now." I answered


"You know the answer to that"

[Is it still because of your father?] He asked

"I'm just afraid that he won't accept Win into this family again. You know, he has been always fond of Win when he arrived in my life but everything change when we broke up.

It's like he doesn't want to trust anyone anymore. And I'm afraid of the possibilities he would separate us" I said sadly. I heard the other party sigh.

[Well then... You better say this to Win because he might overthink again. Anyways, I won't bother you now. go ahead and take care of your wife. Congratulations again] he said and I bid my goodbye to him as I end the call.

I head back only to see Win on the kitchen he was hugging his feet and he looked like he had been crying.

Did he heard my conversation with Off just a while ago?

"Why is my baby crying?" I asked as I cupped his face. His eyes were all red from crying. He avoided eye contact with me.

"Tell me, what's the problem" I said as I lift him on the bed in a bridal style. He still avoided eye contact.

"Babe, it's alright you can tell me what's the problem." I said he finally looked at me.

"Y-you..." He started

"You don't have a plan to m-marry me right? You just made me pregnant and then you would left me behind. Am I right?! Huh?" He finally said


"Hey, babe listen to me. I don't have the intention to do that. Where did this drama came from?" I asked

"Don't lie! You just said it to your friend moments ago"

"Listen, it's not what you think it is. I said I don't want to marry you in this kind of state. Look, my father and I are not in good terms as of now and it would be very bad to be married in this kind of timing." I answered

"B-but you would marry me right?" He asked and I took his hand and nodded instantly.

"Of course, I promise we would be married before the baby is delivered. I have no intention of leaving you, why would you even think of that? I won't get you pregnant if I don't love you" I said as I chuckled. He blushed and playfully hit my arm. I checked the time and it's already 9:57

"Let's go now, we need to buy you your milk and have a little grocery" I said as he nodded....

Hi guys! It's been awhile since I last updated and I missed interacting with y'all. Anyways what do you think of this chapter? Don't forget to vote and comment if you like this chapter.

See you later!

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