𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹 - 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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Bright's POV

"Weeraya?!" My mother, together with a few people shouted by shock. Others were whispering and others are gasping.

Why the hell is she here?

"Oh, I wasn't informed that a proposal would be happening." She said while looking sternly at Win's hand.

"You weren't invited here" I coldly said earning a glare from her.

"Oh well..." She said as she handed me a black box.

"What on earth is this for?" I said but she shrugged me off.

"How would you know if you won't open it?"

"If I open this, will you go away?" I asked sternly

"Only if you can" she said while smiling

I rolled my eyes and opened the box as quickly as possible. Inside, was a folder and when I opened it I immediately saw it was a DNA test.

Was it the results?

I read what was in the file and it said that it was matched. My DNA and Weeraya's daughter matched.

"I don't believe this!" I shouted at her.

My mom together with my dad came beside me calming me down.

"Sweetie, Weeraya please leave right now. It's a shame for the guests that are here" My mom patiently said

"No! Of course not! It's your son's responsibility to our child. You can't make me just go away" Weeraya said

"Ladies and gentlemen please go to the pool area and we'll resume the party for a little while. We just have some family issues here. We don't want to make you guys uncomfortable so please do as told. The servants will help you company for the meantime" My father announced and soon enough the guests started to go to the pool area.

I looked at Win who looks so shocked by what's happening right now. I got to his place and held his hand tightly.

"Everything is going to be alright just trust me" I whispered

"..." He didn't spoke but instead he just looked at Nnevy briefly.

"Weeraya, are you really sure that this is an accurate test?" This time, my father spoke.

"Yes" Nnevy answered

"Dad, this is insane! I swear I never touched her! Nothing happened to us!" I frustratingly said

"Yes, your son is right! We didn't even know if this girl is telling the truth!" My mom joined the fight.

"I-if you want I can just raise her alone" Nnevy said

"No, wait! Let's get another DNA results. But for the meantime, you'll stay here together with your child til we get the results" My dad said

"What?!" The people in the same scene shouted at the same time. Me, My mom, and P'Som. only Win was not included in the scenario.

"Andre Chivaree! You can't let that happen! Never will I allow another woman to enter this family when we have Win! Your son doesn't deserve this!" My mom bursted out

"You're right no one does! But what if this girl is telling the truth?" My dad shouted back

"Sir Andrei and Ms. Chai please tone it down a bit. The guests might hear us" P'Som interrupted

"Dad! Mom! Please stop this at once. Being loud like this is not good enough for this situation!" A voice meddled from somewhere. We all turned out heads to the direction of the echoed sound and we all found Cassandra.

Cassandra is my little sister she is just 2 years younger than me. She was in the states and we didn't know she will be back right now. Because the planned schedule was next week.

"Cassandra?! Is that you?" Nnevy said and she seemed shock. They looked at each other for a short while.

What's happening?

"Your back, daughter!" Mom shrieked and hugged her.

"Oh well, what is happening here? Why are the guests at the other side and you guys are screaming and shouting at each other? Is this a great welcome from me?" Cassandra asked.

"This girl was claiming that Bright had a daughter with her. And then we said that we should have a DNA test again and then here your father said she should stay with us" Mom explained annoyed.

"Is that true Weeraya?" My sister asked out of nowhere.

"I- yeah it is" Nnevy answered

"It's best that we secure her to us. So she should stay here for just a couple of days with our granddaughter" My dad said which earned a death glare from my mom, me and Cassandra.

"No, she's not! Do you really want Win to have someone who will be his rival half?!" My mom budged.

"Yes dad! Mom's right! Have you considered Win's feelings?" Cassandra interrupted shouting

"Dad just pleas-" I couldn't continue my words when we heard a thud beside us. That is when I turned around and saw Win lying on the ground.

I hurriedly came after him and held his head and hand. That time all my surroundings and even my own self felt numb...
(Time skipped)

"Hmm" Win hummed as he softly woke up. Right now, we are at our room. We hired our personal doctor and he said Win fainted because of too much stress.

"Baby? Win? Can you hear me? Are you alright?" I bombarded him with questions. But, he was just staring at me and not talking. Until, we got on the point that he was no longer giving eye contact with me.

"Babe, tell me what's wrong" I said but he is still avoiding eye contact. His face isn't showing any kind of emotions.

Was he mad?

"Babe, Please I'm sor-"

"You don't have to" he cut me off

"I trust you" he said

And those 3 syllable words were enough for me to say that he is really my everlasting partner.

"But, how's the party?" He asked

"Don't worry about it. Cassandra would handle it since she just got back from the states. And it's a welcoming party for her as well" I explained and Win nodded.

"About Nnevy-" I started

"Please, let's just rest for now. I'm so tired" he cut me again

"Tired of me?"

"No, I'm tired of thinking if we really deserve all of this" he explained and I understand it fully

"So, let's sleep now?" I asked

"Yes, I'm tired" he said cutely.


"Don't ever do that again"

"Do what?"

"Don't ever faint like that again it scared me" I said and I saw him smile.

"I love you" he initiated to say

"I love you too"

We cuddled all night and we both slept in each others arms warmly and feeling loved as ever....

Hello there again my dear readers! Again, I'm so so so sorry for updating late. My exams were held this week that's why I don't have much time to write but anyways if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment!

Bye love y'all's!

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