𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼 - 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜

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Bright's POV

"What happened??!"

Win shouted from the bed when he heared me say the same thing. Nnevy's hands were covered in blood and I also noticed that her feet is bleeding.

"Why are you covered in blood? What happened??!" I said as I was about to hold her when I heard a glass shattering from downstairs.

I looked down and I saw P'Som shocked by what happened.

"What happened P'Som? Why'd you dropped the glass?"

"Y-your mom" P'Som said stuttering

"What is it P'?"

"S-she is covered in b-blood"


Me, Win, and it seems like I heard Dad's voice from here all shrieked.

"C-chai??" Dad rushed to mom and I also rushed downstairs.

"Mom!" I shouted as I saw her with Dad. She was unconscious and her head was bleeding too much so as her hands.

"Let's take her to the hospital. P'Som, you'll stay and take care of the baby. Also, please do inform Cassandra about this" Dad said and began carrying mom.

(Time skipped...at the hospital)

Win's POV

Everything happened so fast. We were now waiting in the hospital to check the results of Bright's mom. A few minutes later, the doctor came out and told us what happened to Mrs.Chivaree.

"Good morning, my name is Dr. Claire are you the family?" The doctor asked professionally.

"Yes Doc we are" Mr. Chivaree responded almost immediately.

"Well, according to the tests I made it looked like the patient has been hit by a glass object. Therefore, she has a small laceration on her head and will take time for awhile to heal..."

"But don't worry because other than that, the patient didn't show any signs of post traumatic stress or any kind of trauma." The doctor continued

"Thank god, but is she free to discharge?" Bright asked

"Hmmm.... About that, I'm afraid to say but no. Because we'll still run some tests to make sure that there is no remaining shards left on the patients scalp" the doctor once again said and we all nodded.

"Well, if there's nothing you want to say anymore then I'll take my leave" She said and left.

I looked at Bright and he was soothing his father then I put my attention to Nnevy. Her hands were wrapped around with gauze and it was shaking which I didn't know why. When she noticed that I was looking at her she immediately flinched and looked away.

Could it be?


"Let's take her to the hospital. P'Som, you'll stay and take care of the baby. Also, please do inform Cassandra about this" Mr. Chivaree said in a tense voice.

I was about to follow them but then I noticed something. A glass vase was beside Bright's mom. And her hand was cut by it.

But what's unusual is Nnevy got the same cut which is on Mrs. Chivaree's hand...

-Flashback ends-

"Are you okay? Are you hungry?" Bright asked me when he noticed my face getting pale.

I was about to answer but then someone interrupted me.

"Here! I've bought you guys food. P'Som told me everything." Cassandra said but she wasn't looking at anyone of us. Her attention was on Nnevy and she was looking at her suspiciously.

"Thank you sis!" Bright said and hand me a food which was inside a styroplate.

"No problem. By the way how's mom?" She asked

"The doctor said she needs some monitoring before she'd be discharge." Mr. Chivaree answered and Cassandra nodded.

"Nnevy come with me" Cassandra blurted out. We all looked at her out of confusion.

"Where are you taking her?" Mr. Chivaree asked

"To the lady's room. We are just going to.... discuss about girl's stuff" Cassandra responded and took Nnevy's hand with her without waiting for any of us to speak.

"Here" Bright opened and handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks" I said as I drank it

Then, I suddenly felt the urge to pee so I asked Bright to take care of my seat and my food.

After that, I went directly through the men's room. But, just when I was about to actually get inside I heard two girls shouting at each other.

I secretly eavesdrop on the conversation of the two women fighting and soon enough I found out it was Nnevy and Cassandra.

Cassandra's POV

"Are you seriously doing this?! You're making my brother take a huge responsibility by doing this!" I shouted at her after knowing that her child wasn't really my brother's.

"I had to! The father of the baby won't take the responsibility....And you wouldn't accept it either you bitch!" She said and was about to slap me when I dodge her attack and slapped her hard on her left cheek.

She was crying and I felt like the tears that I was trying hard not to spill just a moment ago came like a huge wave from my eyes.

"How dare you call me a bitch!! You slutty prick! You got pregnant with a random guy you just met while we were in a relationship!!!

Goddamnit! How do you want me to react in that kind of situation? Should I be happy? Or do you want me to chase after you while you were chasing that guy that got you pregnant, huh??!" I said as I slapped her one more time again on her left cheek.


"Nev, please don't do this. Just give me more time to think but please don't go. We can still fix this" I said as I held her hand preventing her of going out.

"No, We cannot fix this. Not anymore. And if there is a way of fixing this, that is for me to make the father of this child to take the responsibility. The father of this child is rich and has connections. Me and my child will have a great future." She retorted

"But what about me? Where am i on those plans you just said?" I stated with my voice breaking. I can feel the tears that are threatening to spill on both my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Cassandra. But I'm breaking up with you. I can't let this child grow without a father" she said once more before brushing my hand off and headed out. I stood in our apartment as I watch her leave and I can hear my heart shattering to pieces.

-flashback ends-

"And you know what? I also knew that you were the one that hit my mom on her head! You devil idiot! You nearly killed my mom!" I shouted at her

"Now tell me, huh??! What should I feel?" I said as I was about to land my fist on her super red face when a hand stopped me. I looked at the face of the person who just stopped me and found out it was Win. I stepped back in shock and panic.

"It's okay, Cassandra. I've heard everything" He said as he grabbed Nnevy's hand and led her out in a rush....

And there you have it in this heavy and suspense chapter. So actually the meaning of those two hearts are:

🖤 - Nnevy will budge and not tell Cassandra about her plan. Thus, Win will never know about it.

❤️ - Win will know about Nnevy's plan but in conclusion, a consequence is about to happen.

Excited about what will happen next? Stay tuned and find out!😎

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