It just hurts too much

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Freya's POV
After getting Hayley's call I made sure that my siblings would be okay with me gone. I packed my bag and drove to Mystic Falls. It seems like I need to do some kind of spell that can bring someone out of controlled necromancy. I know, it sounds crazy but that's pretty much all of the information I got. Besides I'd do anything to just spend some time with my niece, you'll never know when you could die or disappear out of your loved ones lives. So make the time you have valuable, make every single day matter. That is something Keelin taught me when we first got together. I didn't want to spend my whole life saving my siblings, I deserve a life too with happiness.

I've been driving for an hour or two now thinking about a way to save Jo. I've never met Alaric personally but I know that he's been involved a lot with my other siblings. Apparently his wife died a long time ago but somehow she just showed up again. I got a call before from Hayley. She told me all about this necromancer dude that is the man that has been able to control Jo. I don't know what kind of magic it takes to bring her back entirely, but it seems like I have to try everything to not let anyone down.

Alaric's POV
"Good afternoon students. The school has decided it's time for us to take a break from our studies. But of course we can't just go on summer vacation now can we? This Thursday the school busses will be leaving to a retreat out in the woods. It is friendly to all supernaturals therefore we can practice magic with the elements of mother earth. The wolves can train in the mountains and get comfortable in nature. And the vampires will train and learn to have more control over their abilities. Hopefully you'll all like this event. More information will be given in your first class tomorrow. You can now leave to continue your studies."

I was planning on telling the students about this new monster problem but I don't want to worry or scare anyone. We will solve it in time before the retreat. Everything will be fine. Freya just got here and is now talking a little with Jo. It's all going to be alright...

Hope's POV
It's maybe a little inappropriate or perhaps weird that I stared at Josie the whole time during Dr.Saltzman's speech, but she just looked so beautiful. She was in her usual uniform with a skirt and a cardigan. Her hair was curled and God was she pretty. Mom may have noticed my starring considering she sat next to me but let's just not talk about it now. When Dr.Saltzman was done I stood up and waited for Josie. I assume she'd read my letter by now, but I'm not sure and maybe it was a little much but I just want her to know where I am at with my feelings. I made my way to her and we made eye contact but there was someone else there interrupting our moment.

Josie's POV
I'm actually pretty excited to just get out of school for a while. During dad's speech I just had this weird feeling of being observed but I just shrugged it off. While leaving after dad was done my eyes locked with Hope's I was about to say hi when the 'she devil' showed up.

- Hey there Jojo!

- What the hell do you want? I said, instantly flinching at the nickname.

- Wow, take it easy there. I just wanted to check up on you after the accident. I know it doesn't seem like it but I still care for you. She said, with a genuine smile but I didn't believe her.

- Penelope I'm going to say this the nicest way possible. We are done, you chose to break up with me all of a sudden without thinking about the consequences of it. You broke my heart and played with my feelings. But I have moved on and I am not interested in being your puppet or toy you can play with whenever you want to. It's over and it has been for a while now.

And with that I left passing by my ex hanging with her mouth hanging open. I do not know where all that confidence came from, but it felt good to get it out for once. I didn't make it far before I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me and turning me around.

- Listen, I am not playing with you, I just want this, us back together. I'm trying my best here. Why can't you see that I have changed? Is there someone else?

- Penelope please let go. I said trying to hold back the tears.

- No, just answer the question.

I tasted salty tears running down my cheeks. I didn't want to be here anymore. I just felt so many emotions that I didn't even think about the people around me.

- Hey! She said let her go. Someone said and I turned my head. There was Hope, I forgot she was here, she probably heard the whole conversation.

- Fine, whatever. I'm getting you back Josie.

And with that she left and let go of my hand not looking back. I just turned around and threw myself in Hope's arms, crying. I didn't care about anything or anyone right now, I just couldn't go through the same kind of heartbreak again that I did with Penelope. It just hurts too much.

Hope's POV
Maybe I was eavesdropping, I didn't mean too but it just happened. I watched Jose stand up for herself and I felt proud but when tears came running down her cheeks I decided to step in. I didn't care about what would happen. I just couldn't stand there watching knowing I could step in and do something.

Penelope left and Josie cried in my arms. I took her to my room so she could get some privacy not needing to let the whole school watch her break down. I didn't ask questions, I just laid her down on my bed and stroked her hair while letting her go through her own rough period. We all have them and I know how much it would mean to me if I could have someone beside me when I felt lonely at most.



I don't support what Hope did to the twins last episode. She better apologize and hug the sh*t out of them. Because this is not how I expected my favorite trio to do together season three. I mean c'mon Josie was perfect this episode and Hope treated her so bad just to save birdboy. Bruh...

Anyways. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to comment any suggestions and vote if you want to see more. I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you later!

//Commander Alexis

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