The love of my life

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Alaric’s POV
I couldn’t believe it, right before my eyes was Josette Laughlin. My supposed to be dead fiancé. The woman that I loved so much and still do. The woman whom I fell in love with, the love of my life now standing right infront of me. What the hell is this, I don’t know if I’m finally going crazy but honestly, this is kinda crazy.

- Jo? Is that really you? I said still holding my guard slowly tearing up.

- Uh, Ric what the hell is going on? Could you uhm, I don’t know just put down that thing and maybe we can talk in a more civilized way. Jo said, smiling but internally panicking. Then I saw Hayley walking by, perfect just the person I needed.

-Hayley! Hayley! Come in here!

-Who is Hayley, Ric if you could just-

- Hey, woah what’s going on here Alaric? Hayley said looking at the scene happening.

-Uhm, are you Hayley. She nodded. Hi I’m Jo Laughlin almost Saltzman I guess.

-Wait you’re Alaric’s dead wife or I mean almost wife, you know fiancé ish... She said very confused.

-She’s supposed to be at least. I said holding tight onto my crossbow.

- Okay, so first of all give me the crossbow. And second of all let’s get this girl some decent clothes. While you do that I am going to go get Emma. Maybe she can help us out.


No wait, I mean I’ll do that. But try not to make the twins notice you it’s their birthday. I said starting to calm down.

- Yeah okay I’ll be right back, don’t do anything stupid.

Hope’s POV
I don’t know how many hours has passed or maybe it has been days. No of course not, I’m just going a little crazy not being able to do anything. I mean if I just could get some noise out maybe Josie could wake up. I mean I don’t want to wake her, she looks so peaceful. Like an angel, resting while the sun is shining on her and the birds are chirping outside. It’s calming watching her sleep, I could do this all day. What if this could be an everyday thing, I mean-.

Wait. NO! OMG! Yeez, NO! Hope do not continue your thoughts this is going way to fast. I mean what the hell are you doing? You meet a girl that’s really pretty and nice. I mean you enroll in a new school that she goes in and you just happen to fall in… Nope don’t finish that sentence. This is getting out of hand. It’s just me and my thoughts and even the voices in my head is turning on me. God damnit! I just want to scream now, I really want to…

Josie’s POV
I woke up to the noise of someone trying to scream I guess. Or it was more like a sound of struggling. So I sat up finding myself not in my bed but in someone’s room and I tried to adjust my eyes to the sun shining right in my eyes. Yesterday was fun, Hope and I got really close like really close. Though Lizzie interrupted and-. HOW COULD I FORGET!?!? HOPE GOT ATTACKED BY THE GARGOYLE! Now that my eyes adjusted to the light I saw Hope laying in front of me just like before I fell asleep. And by putting the pieces together, finally, I realized it was Hope. She was trying to wake me up and well seeing she can’t move screaming was her only choice. Or something like that I guess.

- I’m so sorry Hope! I forgot you were here and that I was here. I mean I woke up not knowing where I was and then these thoughts hit me from yesterday and all you did was trying to wake me up. I am so, so sorry! I said in one breath finally being able to breathe. I looked at Hope waiting for an answer and well my stupid ass kind of forgot she can’t move anything.

- Oh right, sorry again I forgot that you can’t speak. Or move. Or do anything at all. I didn’t mean that last part, you know what I meant. Sorry I’m rambling again, I’m getting stressed for no reason. You know what I’m just going to splash some cold water in my face and I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere… Sorry, no pun intended.

I am so embarrassing. Josie you can’t even speak what the hell? Okay calm down, even though Hope is numb we all know she won’t care. It happens to everyone right? Well everyone that happens to be madly in love with someone. Oh my god. Did I just-... Let’s forget about that and go back to Hope. Come on deep breaths, in and out.
- Hey, uhm sorry for that. I am guessing no one has figured out how to cure you. It’s my fault that you got hurt I shouldn’t have made you come here, you just started to get to know your powers and I send you on a suicide mission. Sorry again… But I’ll fix it. I’m just going to check your wound and try some different spells, I got some recipes for a healing gel too that I can try. 

Okay that went good. So yesterday I tried two different spells with Emma that didn’t work. And we’ve learned a lot of healing spells with different effects some I’m just going to need to figure those out. I took off the blanket on Hope and lifted her shirt. The wound seemed to have spread a little but not too much, we still have time left before something worse happens. I started siphoning from Hope not really bothering asking for permission because I was really concentrated. While siphoning slowly from her I muttered a spell, closing my eyes begging for it to work. It felt weird doing the spell, I mean I’ve done it several times before but there was something wrong. So I opened my eyes and Hope was...


Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well and staying safe. Summer has been going by fast and all I've done is work. But it hasn't been that bad cause this girl got herself a new crush(that probably is straight). But at the moment I don't care😂

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to comment any suggestions and vote if you want to see more. I hope you have wonderful day and I'll talk to you later :)

//Commander Alexis 

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