This will be a long day

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Hope's POV

It all happened so fast I didn't know what to do and Dr.Saltzman tried to protect me but he'd just get worse injuries than I could get. But let's just say it all hurts like crap and I can't move or scream. I think I passed out in the middle of it all and I'm now just staring at a white ceiling but no one knows I'm awake. This will be a long day...


Josie's POV

I got so mad when I saw Hope's body falling on the ground lifeless. I had siphoned from Hope before and I guess my magic just went and did it's on thing. I destroyed the gargoyle it by repeating a spell over and over again putting all my power in to destroy it. Hayley and dad just stod there looking at me shocked and I fell on my knees when the gargoyle was destroyed.

- Josie, sweetie are you okay? Dad said worried running to pick me up.

- Yeah, I'm just a little dizzy. I said getting out of his grip walking over to Hope and Hayley.

Hayley was still in her wolf form but you could still see she was hurting and she locked eyes with me looking over at the car telling me to take Hope there. I lifted her up bridal style and carefully put her down. It hurt looking at her this way, I didn't want to think at that moment. I didn't want to think of the what if's, I just wanted her to be okay. The car ride home was silent and all I could think of was how much pain Hope must be in. I put her head on my legs so she could at least lie comfortably and I just stroked her hair trying to keep my tears from running down my face. This wasn't supposed to happen.

We took her to her room and we could do nothing but wait. She had some kind of scar earlier given by the gargoyle and it made her stomach slowly turn to stone. The area was grey and the wound went deep. Supernatural healing had no effect and our research didn't help us cure her. I felt so helpless I just sat there staring at her, not being able to do anything but wait, wait and wait. Trust me I've tried screaming at dad to help her and do something instead of just making me watch her. But after an hour or two I calmed down and sat beside Hope slowly drifting of to sleep holding her hand in mine.

(Back to original time)

Alaric's POV

So Hope got hurt and it's all my fault. I'm trying to read everything the school books knows about gargoyles. But they have always been just folklores and no one really knew anything about them. They weren't real or that's what everyone has been told all these years. Gargoyles were protectors of humans and they harmed supernaturals thinking they were protecting humans. Though I couldn't find out anything about the antidote to their paralysation. The thing the gargoyle did to Hope. I was guessing the paralysation and wound would disappear after the gargoyle died but also because Hope's a supernatural being, she can heal herself. But none of that happened she's still probably in pain and still knocked out. Hours has passed and no one knows what to do.

Josie seemed pretty worked up about seeing Hope hurt and I can't bare to see her like this. She's my daughter but I can't seem to take her away from Hope's side. Hayley has been given some time to cool down and wolf out in the woods, all of this must be hardest for her. Seeing her daughter hurt and she just got to know her.

I feel helpless not being able to help anyone, why does this always happen to people around me? No one can ever be happy for eternity before someone dies. I mean, I was dead myself and it hurts like hell watching the people you care about in times like these. No one has the answers you want and even though you give it your all it seems like the world won't give you a timeout. It's not fair, why humans need to go through so much pain for it to just turn out into more pain, hurt and death. Yes, sometimes I wish Mystic Falls could just be a normal town and maybe I wouldn't need to lose all the people that meant something to me. But I need to be strong, I have a family, a school to handle and students to care for.

After Josie destroyed the gargoyle stones came flying everywhere but I noticed something out of the ordinary falling to the ground with it. I picked it up and it seemed to be a knife belonging to our school. Or something we just had from the Stefan Salvatore Memorial. Why would the monster want a knife or have it in the first place? Or first of all where did the gargoyle come from? There were many things going on in my mind but then a large sound was interrupting the deep thoughts I had. I picked up my crossbow and walked slowly out of my office. Well this was something new...


Hi guys! Hope you all are doing fine and staying safe. As usuall sorry for being so slow with the updates. I'm starting work this week but if you guys want it enough I'll just maybe write a chaperfor you.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to comment any suggestions and vote if you want to see more. I hope you have wonderful day and I'll talk to you later :)

//Commander Alexis 

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