Chapter One

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Amity was wondering around inside Hexside, it was just socializing time for the students. The abomination track witch soon noticed that someone was calling her name, 'I know that voice anywhere! Abort! Abort!' Amity's thoughts raced through her head as Luz ran up to her  while smiling brightly. “Hey Ami!” The human said cheerfully, 'That goofy smile of hers.. Girls.. Pretty..' Amity was lost in a trace with a wonky smile, “Ami? Amity! Earth to Amity blight!” Luz shouted while waving her hand in the witchling's face, The blight then snapped out of her love trance and shook her head. “Ah! Sorry Luz! Really tired! Hehe! Yeah, tired!” Amity attempted to make an excuse and Luz took the bait, “Okay! Anyway, Gus, Willow, Boscha, Skara, and I are going to the market after school! You coming along?” The human asked with long, “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease come with!” Amity sighed, She couldn't say no to Luz even if she wanted to. “Fine..” The witchling said rolling her eyes with a grin, “Yes! We'll meet you infront of Hexside after school! Cya Blight!” Luz waved to Amity as she ran away, 'Dumb human and her adorable antics' Amity thought but she was stopped in her dream land as the school bell rang, “Ugh, that Bell is as annoying as Hooty..” Ami groaned to herself before going to her Abomination class.

After School!

Almost all the members of the friend group showed up, all they were doing was waiting for Skara, Amity, and Luz's surprise friend. “Ugh, what's taking them so long.” Boscha groaned, “Boscha, It's only been two minutes...” Willow would respond, She hugged the three-eyed witch's arm. Boscha looked at her with shock, then looked away with a faint bit of blush on her face. “Ugh, Whatever..” The pink haired girl always acted so aloof, Willow shrugged while continuing to hug onto Boscha's arm. The plant track witch then looked over to Luz, “So, Luz. Who's your friend? I've never heard you talk about some other friend.” Willow asked curiously, Luz looked over with her usual smile. “I've known him not much longer than you guys, but I always forget to mention him!” She'd chuckle nervously. “Mention who?" The abomination track witchling's voice came from behind Luz, This made the human jump in surprise, almost falling back. Amity caught her by the arms and they stared into each other's eyes for a long moment before Luz regained her balance and began making a nervous laugh, Amity let go quickly and looked in the other direction pretending to fix her hair. Boscha and Willow had watched this all happen, of course they knew what was going on, They began to giggle and laugh at them. Soon Luz joined in and Amity was beyond confused with this, As soon as Skara arrived they had stopped laughing. “So Luz who's this surprise friend?..” Amity said with worry, she'd hope it wasn't someone Luz was into or she'd probably beat him up right then and there. “Aurelius!” She'd call to the woods that bordered Hexside, A young witch emerged from behind a tree. He walked over to the friends, but quickly finding himself staring at Amity. “This is Aurelius! He took me on a tour around the school before.” Luz explained, Amity felt a bit of anger. 'If they like each other there's no way I'm ever going to win Luz's heart!' She thought, then she listened back into what Luz was saying. “Aurelius is like Amity, Born from a rich family and a top student!” The human would compare the two giggling a bit as she nudged Aurelius who was staring at Amity, His attention immediately went off to Luz “Hehe sorry, Wasn't paying attention much.” He then noticed the expression on Luz's face and could easily tell a lot of teasing was going to come from this. But before they left Aurelius began to learn about the others, but mostly tried to get as much information about Amity as possible. “Great now that we're all friends, Let's gooo!!” Luz said with her usual happy tone. The others nodded and began on their way.

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