Chapter Three

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----Soon they bought tickets and wristbands, Willow's treat----

“What should we ride first? The roller ghoster?”Amity suggested, Willow got that shiver up her spine “HAHA, MAYBE NOT.” She'd blurt out, Amity and Luz got the hint. Boscha who had rejoined them after signing autographs and such, was confused about Willow's sudden blurt but shrugged it off. “Okay maybe not yet, Hmm, What about those cool swing rides?” Luz would recommend, “The swing screamer?” (I'm not very creative with ride names lol) Boscha said bringing up the name, “Yeah! Let's do it!” The human cheered. Willow and Amity nodded in agreement, but Gus and Aurelius were nowhere to be found. “Uhm... Where'd Gus and Aurelius go?..” The plant track witch questioned with worry, “W-we're here!” Gus yelled from a far, once he and Aure caught up they both wheezed for air. “So, Let's go riding now!” Luz smiled brightly, Amity felt butterflies in her stomach and her face grow warmer. Willow nudged her with a smirk, but Amity brushed her off and followed Luz along with the others.

---- After a few rides ----

They group had split to do more stuff, Willow, Gus, and Boscha were a group, and there was Amity, Luz, and Aure. 'Ugh.. Why won't he just leave me alone!' Amity thought as Aurelius was wanting to take her to a 'special' love ride, “Amity pleassseee! It'll be quick!” The oracle track witch would ask once more, Amity rejected the offer. “Pl-” He was going to ask again before being cut off by a certain cheery someone, “Ami! Ami! I saw this cool game I wanna go to! Let's go!” Luz giggled, She grabbed the female witchling's hand and began to walk. Amity followed with a lovestruck look in her eyes, “Awww! Look at the little puppy plush they have!” The human said, pointing at a cute beagle looking dog with one eye. 'Not as cute as you..' Amity thought before looking at Luz with a smile, “It is really cute.” “I'ma try to win it!” The human spoke, she ordered a few food bits as for it was a ring toss but you had to get the food in a fish's mouth. Luz began tossing, landing a few, but sooner or later she ran out. She huffed before the stall owner walked up to her with the stuffed puppy, Luz grabbed it before hugging it tightly. She then turned to Amity and walked over to her smiling. “Hey Ami! This is for you!” Luz spoke which snapped Amity out of a trance, “H-huh? But you earned it fair and square!” The witchling spoke, confused on Luz's actions. “I know but I won it for you.” The human smirked, handing her friend the stuffed creature. “Thank you Luz.” The blight said, feeling her face grow hot again as she hugged onto the plush. “No problem Mittens!” Amity was surprised at the response Luz gave, “Oops- I meant uh, Amity!” Luz said trying to correct herself, Ami felt herself wanting to faint from blush but caught herself not to. “I-it's fine! Yeah! Fine!” The witchling said quickly in attempt to make sure Luz didn't feel guilty, 'Her face is red.. is she mad at me?..' The human said to herself in her mind, but then Aurelius broke her train of thought, “Hey Luz, Amity, it's almost time to head home, let's go before they close it on us.” The male witchling chuckled, the two nodded at him and followed him back to the rest. After they all met up and such, They said their goodbyes to each other before taking their paths home. As Amity walked home, she suddenly had a feeling something was going to go terribly wrong, and was about to ruin everything for her.

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